View Full Version : The hell with feeshin'....clamming is the way to go

05-03-2006, 02:13 PM
Well boys I've set down the rod for a shovel. Thar' be clams in that sand and they belong in my skillet. No catch and release in this sport. Man vs. clam. Although the bivalves outhink me at times, which is a bummer because I don't think they have a brain, I do prevail at times. Pesky critters and sharp too. The name "razor clam" is not for nothin'. Had a battle with one the other day....I was on my knees so long struggling I attained a headache. My Irish blood would not let the issue go, and somehow, with great fortitude, the battle ended and he ended up not happy, but in the pan.

So when the rivers are high, and the sun starts getting you down, head north and do some clamming. Best sport since they invented lacrosse. Soon I will figure out how to catch the surf perch on a fly. There is only one thing beyond my talents; get a real job. So for now I will clam, perch and work on my chowder recipe. If I come up with one that works I will be happy to share.

You city boys stay low to the ground and always remember: north is the only direction to go.

Bruce Slightom
05-03-2006, 06:32 PM
Hey Salmon, I have some old clam decoys that uesd be very effective for razors, you want them?

05-03-2006, 08:36 PM
YEAH MAN!!!! Whether they're Littlenecks, Horsenecks, Washingtons, Butters, Razors, Geoducks or Oysters.... They're all good fried or in a chowder...... MMM, MMM.

05-05-2006, 10:56 AM
Hey Bruce,
Not only do I have clam decoys but I have a clam dog. A labador clam retriever. He keeps on coming home with a bloody nose from the razors so I might have to retire him.

Ah geez man....those other clams....wouldn't feed them to my dog!!! It is razors or nothin' man!!! I am a clam snob. Very odd for someone to be a snob coming off the beach bleeding and covered in sand with three days beard growth considering themself a snob...yet I do. I am working on a chowder recipe and I hate to say it but some of the other clams might be better for chowder since razors are so mild. They are quick and I am slow, yet our battles end up with me the winner. Even have a clam song which I will post. Sung to the tune of "Folsom Prison Blues". Call it "Clamhouse Blues". I get a little silly hunting the buggers.