View Full Version : Upper Sac...Dunsmuir

10-04-2005, 10:36 AM
I got a chance to fish the upper Sac near the Cantera loop for about an hour as I passed through on Sunday. I fooled two fish with a large orange stimulator...trying to mimic an october caddis. One fish about 10-12" about exploded out of the water to get it. Landed him my wife got a nice snap shot and moved up stream. I got to a nice pool with a slow but moving current. I could see several large fish 18-20" in the pool swimming around. I spotted on pig sitting in the current just under the slow moving bubbles sipping small flies off the top. I thought I'd give the stimulator a chance, but with the water moving so slow I was sure he would inspect it an refuse but...no guts no glory. I laid a perfect cast 5-8 feet above him and got a great drift. He saw the fly and in slow motion gently slid up inspected the fly an sucked it in. A good hook set and even though he was a rainbow he just submarined nothing I could do but keep tension and wait after a minute or two he came unbuttoned. Too bad because I really wanted his picture. But its all about being there, the presentation, the take, the set, the battle and the hope for next time! I think my wife knows a little more about why I go.

10-04-2005, 10:45 AM
its all about being there, the presentation, the take, the set, the battle and the hope for next time!

Very well said! I wouldn't be surprised if your wife picks up a fly rod after seeing that.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
10-06-2005, 12:06 AM
Some of my most memorable fish did not get landed.

10-09-2005, 10:40 AM
BillK - so true. It was good seeing you again when I was in CA a few weeks ago. Jim and Deanna wish you well. They were at the FAOL FishIn last week.