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10-02-2005, 09:43 PM
The river is at fall flows now and the salmon are on their redds. So be CAREFUL while wading. Wear your polarized glasses so you can easily see the redds. There are more salmon on redds than I expected considering the poor runs were having. The steelhead are kind of hit and miss for most anglers. Dave and I ran our pontoons thru what turned out to be a very productive stretch today, hooking 17 adult steelhead between us. Some extremely large fish too....scary big! We had the river to ourselves until the very end, when the one and only Gary Anderson floated thru and said hi ;-). Great day fishing and my maiden voyage on the new pontooner.


This was a very heavy 27" hen.


David Lee
10-02-2005, 09:55 PM
Very nice , JB -

17 ... between two guys ?????

I think I'm gonna be sick :puke:

Looks like Gordon's backyard is the place to be !! Hope you repeat it again :idea:


10-02-2005, 11:01 PM
Wow, a GREAT fish! Sounds like you guys had an absolutely fantastic day. 8)

10-03-2005, 03:00 PM
17 steelies in one day is a year for me. In some season two years. Very nice.
2 questions. How safe is floating the river in a one man pontoon and what are the safest areas to do so??
Do you know approx. water temp around the grants pass region??
Thank for the reply

10-03-2005, 03:50 PM
How safe different drifts are depend a lot on river skills and knowing the proper route to take. Many drifts in Grants Pass are pretty easy and a few on the upper river aren't to bad. It's best to hire a guide the first trip down to look at the water and learn the types of water to fish and how. In the very least follow another boat the first time through and hope it isn't their first trip as well lol. Here is a link to river data.


http://waterdata.usgs.gov/or/nwis/current?station_nm=rogue+river&search_station_nm_match_type=beginning&index_pmcode_STATION_NM=1&index_pmcode_DATETIME=2&index_pmcode_00065=3&index_pmcode_00060=4&index_pmcode_MEAN=&index_pmcode_MEDIAN=&index_pmcode_00010=5&index_pmcode_00025=&index_pmcode_00047=&index_pmcode_00055=&index_pmcode_00076=6&index_pmcode_00095=&index_pmcode_00300=&index_pmcode_00400=&index_pmcode_72019=&index_pmcode_72020=&index_pmcode_00045=&sort_key=site_no&group_key=basin_cd&sitefile_output_format=html_table&column_name=agency_cd&column_name=site_no&column_name=station_nm&column_name=lat_va&column_name=long_va&column_name=state_cd&column_name=county_cd&column_name=alt_va&column_name=huc_cd&format=html_table&html_table_sort_key=site_no&html_table_group_key=basin_cd&rdb_compression=&list_of_search_criteria=station_nm%2Crealtime_para meter_selection

10-03-2005, 03:52 PM
Wow that link really stretched my post out. Sorry

10-03-2005, 08:28 PM
Marks advise is right on. This was my first ever float down the river with me in control. so I floated a section I have fished and observed many times and I was still very nervous. It was much easier than I expected, tho its also one of the mellower stretches around. I would never go to any new water alone, the river is just too unforgiving. I'm sure one could make a critical mistake even on water he/she knows backwards and forward. I am very new to the oars and plan on being overly cautious.


10-03-2005, 09:43 PM
Jbird, what kind of pontoon did you get? How do you like it. They are so nice to have, especially on a river like the rogue. Keep up the good work.

Jason Hartwick

10-04-2005, 06:23 AM

I got a creek co. ODC 1018. Its a 10'er. seems adiquate so far.


10-05-2005, 10:05 PM
Great job J, 17 fish in a day and I would have to take a couple of days off, maybe a week :shock: Keep up the great work, and reports!