View Full Version : Anybody use scent on their flies?

08-23-2005, 01:04 AM
Hey guys, here's a subject we haven't covered yet. The subject of scent came up on another fly fishing board (that shall remain nameless). Turns out, some of the guys use scent on their flies, and it was pointed out that Dave Whitlock rubs his flies in the streamside mud to disguise his own scent. Personally, I don't scent my flies, never have, and never will. Period. I don't think it's about snobbery or puritanism, I think it's about how you define the sport. For me, the use of scent falls outside of what I define as fly fishing, and I unsuccessfully tried to convey that to be a truth held by the fly fishing community at large. I am now curious, though, if anyone here uses scent. . . . Ever put salmon egg oil on your glo bug? Ever squirted some juice on your bass bug? Anyone wish fly floatant came in different scents? Any thoughts? No screaming and no hate mail please. :lol:

Tony Buzolich
08-23-2005, 07:01 AM
One very well known guide I fished with many years ago juiced my Polar Shrimp fly when things got a little slow. At first I was blown away that a "flyfishing guide" would succumb to using something equivilant to bait. But, after the next cast or two and several more salmon later, I forgot all about the "ethics" of scenting a fly.

I've never used it myself, but, Why Not?

08-23-2005, 07:35 AM
I would never personally scent a fly but I can understand where the urge to do so comes from. I never liked using bait when fishing period! I always preferred casting artificials but there are times when fish are just keyed in on the real thing or need a scent stimulus to bite. I think masking your scent is one thing but squirting "juice(s)" on your fly takes it to the next level. Then again, perhaps the mind set is not so much as scenting the fly but more of masking any artificial scents it may have....
which is understandable....for the most part.....I guess....LOL


Adam Grace
08-23-2005, 07:55 AM
I do not use any sort of juice, period.

If people want to use juice they should slap a worm onto a hook and have some fun.

Like some of you said, if the fishing is slow it might be okay, if your someone else. If the fly fishing is slow I try new flies and different techniques, if all else fails I simply enjoy my time on the water.

Rubbing mud onto the fly to mask your scent is a great idea. You would be removing a discouraging scent instead of adding an attracting scent. Dave Whitlock is a smart fly fisherman.

I enjoy the challenge of fly fishing. Juice takes the challenge out of fly fishing in my opinion.

08-23-2005, 08:26 AM
So Adam,.... You think all those fish can't smell your stinky cigars :?: :P :P :P

Altho I don't deliberately use scents on flies, I certainly wouldn't exclude using 'em in my neurotic quest to catch all of the fish in the water.... :lol: :lol:

I've gone thru times in my fishing life when I felt that I didn't want to use any type of attractants on a fly but, like Tony, woke up to their potential when my Bass fishin' buddies were haulin' 'em in while my fly rod remained inert.... #-o I don't see a lot of difference between using scents and tying in flourescing materials on a fly and triggering them with a strobe light.... :wink:

Not even a matter of ethics for me.... Just another part of animal senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch). 8) 8) 8)

WD 40 anyone :?: :?: :?: :?:

08-23-2005, 08:41 AM
Juicing, I thought this was a Flyfishing board not an MLB board :D

"I have never used any type of performance enhancing drug oops wrong board" R.Palmero :oops:

I have never juiced while FF. I can however understand logic. If you are using a shrimp fly and you make it smell like shrimp OK. Glo bug/Egg scent it makes scense. Though I have never seen Stonfly scent :roll:
I'm with adam personally, try like hell with everything in your box if still no luck enjoy your time outdoors.

08-23-2005, 10:37 AM
Well, it has since been pointed out to me that Cortland puts out a mayfly-scented spray floatant. :shock: Cortland of all companies. . . . Initially, I couldn't believe it but, alas, it's true. . . . :(

08-23-2005, 05:32 PM
Ya know, this topic kinda reminds me of the debate in baseball over who threw a "spitter".... 8) If you could throw one and not get caught, you just smiled and didn't confirm or deny it.... :-# A la Gaylord Perry formerly of the SF Giants who, I believe, has never confirmed or denied that he threw one to this date.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

08-30-2005, 12:11 AM
Darian, your post reminded me of a Reggie Jackson statement about Gaylord Perry's spitballs. He said you could see a rainbow coming off the ball as it was coming toward you. :lol: