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Tony Buzolich
06-29-2005, 09:47 PM
I guess this big moon last week really changed things for the striper fishing on the Feather. Could be that maybe they're starting to head back down with the shad.
Fished Monday evening with my brother Frank and we really got skunked. I was expecting the evening bite to be good put we didn't even get a grab. Fished till about 9:30pm and then called it. The moon didn't come up till after midnight and stayed high till around 10:00 the next morning. Hmmmm???? maybe the morning will be better.
Got back on the river at 5:00am, not much surface activity, finally a nice grab under the old bridge and first fish. Whew! got rid of that skunk.
Hit a couple more of my favorite spots with nothing going on. Headed up the Yuba to try some new water and picked up two more schoolies.
Decided to call it around 7:30am and head up river to chase salmon.
Got above the outlet and saw plenty of fish moving through the lowflow. Nothing like the fall run fish, these guys are fresh and moving fast.
Managed to land one bright fish with two tags in it's back. I called the tag number and was told that was a spring run fish which was tagged at the hatchery two weeks ealier. They released the fish to see where it would end up till it was ready for spawning. The guys at the Dept. of Water Resources were really interested in where and how the fish looked, did I keep him, etc.

Well, I'm still going to go chase those stripers in the morning, but it looks like those salmon are coming in strong the rest of the day.

David Lee
06-29-2005, 10:03 PM
Hi Tony !!

I don't put much faith in the moon ... my two hard , fast rules are -

#1 - An East wind is the kiss of death for the bite , period .

#2 -Bluebird (crear) sky after a low , very slow bite .

How have the smallmouth been ?? Got any photos of them ???

Good luck in the morning ! David