View Full Version : Rivers in shape unlike myself

04-28-2005, 08:11 AM
All the north Oregon coastal rivers (Nehalem, Wilson, Trask, Nestucca) are in perfect shape and certainly have some steelhead lurkin' between the banks. Unfortunately, due to days of torture aka physical labor around The Compound, I'm too friggin' sore for even catfishing!!! Darn wood doesn't split and stack itself, the invasive Scotch Broom doesn't commit suicide, and the garden doesn't magically appear. Damn outdoors are conspiring to turn my painless fat into aching muscle. At this rate I'll be buffer than the Governor of Kaly-EEE-forn-YAH by fall chinook season.
What the heck was I thinking letting Kiene post my pic? Geez, let's just make it easier for "the government" to track me. Hey, how about a fingerprint and a sample of my DNA!!! I know they are out there...first they register you with the fishing license and WHAM!!!!....it's campout time in Guantanamo. These things have become clear as the Salmonberry river now that I live way back in the hills, on The Compound.
I'd go kick the old dog but my aching muscles have slowed my foot speed.

04-28-2005, 08:27 AM
OS...Your AM musings and a cup of caffine are just what the doctor ordered! Thanks for jump starting another day in the great State of California! Now, if it would just stop raining...SullyTM

04-28-2005, 08:34 AM
I love that location "NegativeLand". My buddy who owns the place I'm staying is the mayor of that town!!! Poor bugger is going through some tough times and sends off negative waves like a Sumatrain earthquake.
Remember: all problems can be solved by moving to Oregon...well except the mental ones I seem to carry wherever I stumble. Damn head.

04-28-2005, 09:05 AM
OS...If I devulged the secret of "my" Negativeland I might be run out of the Forum so I'll keep it a secret for the time being...I'd move to Oregon but I'd have to tell any new neighbors I'm from Bad Axe, Michigan(I'd ditch the CA license plates at the border). Keep the faith!

04-28-2005, 09:09 AM
Hey OS,..... Don't kick the dog until a bit later in the summer. Could have some negative consequences if you're not in as good a shape as he is.... :P :P :P

Is the fenceline electrified :?: :?:

04-29-2005, 08:24 AM
We don't need one of them thar' fancy eel-eclec-trickle finces' on The Compound; we have what I like to call the "hillbilly moat": two creeks. They (and there are plenty of them's out thar) can come get me, but I live with the solace to do so will soak their shoes. Plus, my ear is attuned to the sound of soggy shoes, and at the first squeek I shall flee up the hill, hopefully to find a tree upright (these boys love their chain saws) to skulk about.
Livin' in the hills, drinking the "electrified" water (water which hasn't been run through a powerhouse) keeps the senses keen. Last night I put a light bulb in my mouth and generated enough light to read the first nine chapters of "Trout Fishing in America". The electrical grid has nothin' on me baby!!!!

04-29-2005, 10:09 AM
See you have some good reading material up there. Brautigan was one of my favorites 8) 8) . Too bad he's gone. Guess the gov't got to him too.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

04-30-2005, 09:55 AM
Only book a human needs: Trout Fishing in America. Some would argue the Bible, but I could never figure out the cubit thing. My frustration bogged me down thus resulting in my current status as Heathen.

04-30-2005, 11:13 AM
OS, I could never figure out the cubit thing either. Guess that makes me a fellow Heathen. :lol:

04-30-2005, 12:30 PM
Cubits :?: :?: We don't have to understand cubits.... :?: :?: Pablo Picasso figured that out some time ago (.... or was that cubism :?: ). Anyway, guess I'm in good company.... I'm a heathen, too 8) . In spite of the fact that my parents sent me to Bible school every summer ('til I was old enough to play baseball... 8) )