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View Full Version : Lower Yuba River was very good on Wednesday

Bill Kiene semi-retired
04-08-2005, 09:17 AM

You know it must be "on fire" if Chuck Won is catching fish!!!!!!

Only kidding Chucky.

Local guide Keith Kaneko is going to take me and Bob Giannoni out soon on the "Yuba" so maybe I will get lucky too?

04-08-2005, 04:18 PM
Oh Billy!

Keith is the man to book - I am a sorry a** wannabe that thought I had presentations down, but learned subtle techniques from Keith for fishing when bugs aren't hatching and fish aren't rising. New swinging techniques, new bugs, and different casts. We were swinging most of the day, and decided near the end of the day to try up on top and it was because Dr. Kaneko positioned the boat and directed the casting that we were able to land this fish. The last time I was lucky enough to be invited to fish with Keith, we got numbers, but if you want to learn to fish top to bottom, be specific with your requests and Keith will show you. We swung heavy lines dredging gravel, then swung floating lines to rollers and flashers, nymphed on the way down, and the fish gods were kind enough to put some conditions together at the end of the day. We stuck some hawgs that day ....

04-08-2005, 10:25 PM
Holey Moley. Not only is that a great fish, but a great picture. It rivals the classic steelie photo that was posted at the shop for so long! Congrats to both of you, especially you Chuckie, you lucky *$%@^#!. :lol: Seriously consider submitting that photo to one of the mags, I'm sure it'll run.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
04-08-2005, 11:16 PM
Chucky baby,

We got to get out this spring together. :mrgreen:

Halfpounders, Shad, Stripers and Black Bass?

David Lee
04-08-2005, 11:37 PM
Fishing with C.W. is like fishing with Sturmer White .... They both will hook 3 fish to your 1 on your own home water . I've watched Chuck pull BIG Steelhead out of pockets that the normal person (and me ) walk right past .

Chuck also has a massive amount of respect for nature .... You can't find better company to spend a few hours on a river with .

Photos to follow ...... David

04-12-2005, 12:22 PM
Billy - lets do it. Lets get some shad and hopefully some bluebacks in a few weeks, hopefully the fish gods will allow us to get some on floating line swing. Maybe we can drift it with Ray Rivera ......

Gregg - thx for the kind words, email me @ woncs@ah.org and lets get up to the Yuba.

If you want to get into steelies and want to learn to get into stripers, you need to get in touch with David Lee, he'll show you a thing or two - he's landed serious toads (stripers), and has it dialed.