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Jay M
01-17-2005, 05:51 PM
I'm coming up a few days early for the Sacramento show and might get in some fishing.

Is the American fishable and wadebable?

License ? I have the Delta water ways stamp, I will also need the steelhead punch card, right?

What lines and flies will I need. Remember, I'm a saltwater fly chucker, not use to the freshwater game, especially steelhead. I'm good at hooking hardheads.

Thanks for any help


David Lee
01-17-2005, 07:19 PM
Jay - 9 1/2 to 10 foot 6 or 7 wt. , Alevins #10 to#8 , bulky red San Juan worms #10-#6 , Black Leechs #6-#4 , small smolts or Surf Candys #6-#2 , white or very pale pink Glo-bugs #10-#6 , Floating lines and 200 gr. Rio sink-tips or a shooting head spool , that should do it .
Water is under 1400 CFS , use cleats and stay above Howe . If you want some company , give me a ring . David :D

01-17-2005, 07:42 PM
Jay, I would HIGHLY recommend you hook up with David if he's available. I went with him recently and discovered he know's that river like I know my backyard. I was amazed by the number of features he could point out that were invisible to me, including underwater ledges, trees, individual rocks, you name it. He also knows where the fish hang out. Course, you could always scuba dive the place for a couple weeks before you fish it. :wink:

David Lee
01-17-2005, 07:52 PM
Mike , cut that out ! :oops: I only know the water in MY run .... the rest , well , I don't fish up there for a reason - everybody else does . David PS- Think about Pyramid in late winter :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Jay M
01-17-2005, 07:56 PM
Hey Mike,

I think the last time I fished the American I did some snorkling without a snorkle. I think it was shad fishing and wading with flats booties. Rubber soles and slippery rocks just don't match. Now I see I will need cleats for wading. Will baseball cleats work? I just threw my corkers away when I moved. Really didn't need them on the beach.

Hope to wet a line


David Lee
01-17-2005, 08:02 PM
Jay , what size dogs ya got ?? I've a spare pair of Simms (?) w/ the grippy rubber soles and spikes on 'em -they are 11s but will fit a stockingfoot/neoprene wader foot to about a 10 , yours if you want/need them . David

01-17-2005, 08:42 PM
Geez, first it's a stepladder for Pyramid cutthroats, now it's snorkeling gear for shad on the American ... and I thought I was equipped. :lol:

Bill Kiene semi-retired
01-18-2005, 10:57 AM
The river is fishing very well right now Jay.

I would get out in the AM for sure.

One of our friends, Mark Kranhold, just got this beauty:


Wednesday Caster
01-25-2005, 10:37 AM
I'm very new to the American. On it only once in Dec. Struck out. :cry: Was wondering why you recommend/direct to stay above Howe. Planning to come up after Duperbowl Dunday (no royalties paid). :D
Wed. Caster

David Lee
01-25-2005, 11:02 AM
W.C. , sometimes the lower river can "back-up" - when the big Sac. gets high , it will flood the lower American up to Watt ave. . When I posted to Jay , the river was slow up to Howe ave. - since then , it has dropped . Send an email when you're coming up , I'll take ya out and show you some spots . Regards , D.J.L.