View Full Version : Upper Sac Report 3/16-3/18

03-22-2022, 07:24 AM
Went up last week and spent 2 nights camping at Castle Crags and fishing the Sac with a buddy. Our first day yielded no bites and no looks. Day two started with a trip to Ted Fay where Bob set us straight and gave us some great advice.

Equipped with more lead and a lot more rubberlegs, we started catching on day 2. Lots of bugs on the water but no risers. We each landed two fish that day: 12", 2 around 18" and 1 pushing 20". Day 3 produced a fat 16" for me. All fish took the tungsten bead rubberlegs.

The seams held all of our fish and they were on the bottom. We lost a lot of gear getting the flies down but it worked!

03-24-2022, 09:39 AM
Just to get out these days is a treat. To catch wild fish sweeten the days even more. Thanks for sharing.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
03-24-2022, 10:14 AM
Veteran guide Fred Gordon told me that on a normally year June is usually the best.

In low water years May can be the top month.

In high water years July can be the best.

We had a cabin in Dunsmuir for 10 years.

Lots of good memories too.

03-25-2022, 03:50 PM
Nice fish and photos!

Really like it up there albeit most of my catching was down below.

Never caught it right for the big hatches.

Lovely water and area, glad you got into some, local advice so valuable for sure and good to visit that great store.