View Full Version : Just chatted with Andy Guibord on the phone.......

Bill Kiene semi-retired
04-04-2021, 03:09 PM
He said the Napa river has not been very good for some friends recently.

He got a couple of Stripers on the lower American rvier but not schools in there now.

Andy said the American river has a few Blue Backs SH and some spring half-pounders.

Heard some action on the lower Feather river for smaller steelhead.

We did not talka bout the Lower Yuba river but it sound like a good thing.

He did say that his friends who guide the lower Sacramento river said it was extremely good right now.

I use to go on my birthday, March 25, every year with George Duran and he always said it was just getting going.

Most trout streams should be good at mid-elevation in May.