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View Full Version : We will be turning off the Forum for a few days to make the change over.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
03-20-2019, 11:32 AM
We will be turning off the Forum for a few days to make the change over.

It will go from "Kiene's Forum" to "Bill Kiene's Forum"

Old = http://www.kiene.com/forums

New = http://www.billkiene.com/forum (pretty sure?)

Nothing much will change except the URL address and the name.

Our "techy" Gregg Machel will be making the change over this week.

I am excited that Gary at the shop had the foresight to keep it alive.

Thanks Gary and Gregg......

Jake B
03-20-2019, 02:24 PM
Are you keeping all our info or will we need to resign up?

03-25-2019, 06:14 AM
Are you keeping all our info or will we need to resign up?

Yes, would be good to know as well as an update on the dates of change over (offline/online dates)...if personal messages will be ported over...if existing threads and forums will be mirrored or any content is expected to be lost...

Too bad Bill could not just acquire the kiene.com domain so that a migration is not needed :( since the front end of the fly shop domain redirects to americanflyfishing anyways...