View Full Version : South Fork Trinity Restoration Project

10-01-2018, 09:35 PM
Here's an article in today's SF Chronicle on the restoration of a section of the South Fork Trinity by flying trees in by helicopter to improve habitat.


10-02-2018, 10:58 AM
Thank you for sharing.

10-03-2018, 01:25 PM
I find the restoration projects on the trinity interesting. I am not sure they are accomplishing anything but spending lots of money.
There was a section of the trinity where the "restoration" removed the natural logs and put in other logs?So destroying the naturally occuring habitat to create artificial habitiat to mimic the natural habitat that was already there?!
I rarely here of sediment partitioning projects?Unfortunately rivers with dams create watersheds that are out of equilibrium and unable to properly distribute sediment. the proper distibution of sediment is crucial in providing the habitat needed for spawning steel.
The Trin needs more water pushed through more releases would help.I think the low flow is too low.