View Full Version : Public comment hearing for new offshore drilling

01-27-2018, 07:54 AM
Apparently there will only be one public comment hearing regarding our entire coastline being opened up to offshore drilling, so if this concerns you this is a pretty important date. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management meeting will be held February 8th at the Tsakopoulos library Galeria (828 I street Sac) at 3PM. There are several groups planning to Rally ahead of time and march to the meeting.

It is unfortunate that the only opportunity we as Californians will have to be heard directly will be on a Thursday afternoon, so the concerns we have will likely be very muted comparatively speaking. If you can make it this is a big deal. You can also submit comments in writing to the BOEM, just be sure they are well thought out! https://www.boem.gov/National-Program-Comment/
If anyone needs more specifics feel free to PM