View Full Version : Lower American River Half-pounders this Fall?

Bill Kiene semi-retired
09-18-2017, 07:00 AM
We went out a week ago at Gristmill with no success.

Last night we went to River Bend Park (Goethe Park) and fished below the walk over bridge on the park side.

Nothing again.....

Other side from Arden Pond/William B Pond looked like nice water too.

The flow has been 3,500 cfs which is part of the problem.

Did here that on Oct 1 the river would be going down.

Anyone catch any Half-pounder in the American this Fall?


09-18-2017, 09:40 AM
Welcome to 2017 Bill. Not even close to the glory days, however, having a river this close to home just to make a few cast, (without any expectations) is a luxury................I'll keep on trying just like you and hopefully I'll be surprised one of these days. The weather has turned over, the excessive heat is gone and dreams of steelhead are in the air for the new season......wow that run looks good.................maybe..........ohhh.....bingo !

09-20-2017, 03:57 PM
Got two chunky half pounders, swinging a rubber legs in the upper river......hint.......look for the riffles

Bill Kiene semi-retired
09-21-2017, 06:15 AM
I just want to get my grandson into a good Half-pounder soon.

We have been out twice with no luck.

I am hoping that if and when the flows go down, some will materialize.

10-12-2017, 08:21 PM
Fished the American below Watts early in the morning, swinging a soft hackle, no luck. Fished William B Pond area after that using a nymph, still no luck. Has anyone fished for half-pounders with success recently?

Mark H.

Mark Kranhold
10-12-2017, 08:44 PM
Had a grab last weekend and saw a football feeding on caddis !