View Full Version : DFW 8/16/2017 meeting - Proposed Leader Restrictions

08-24-2017, 06:07 AM
Here are the DFW meeting notes for proposed regulation changes.


The proposed text for the leader regulations:

"It shall be unlawful to use any configuration of fishing tackle in anadromous waters unless the distance between the terminal hook or terminal lure and any weight attached to the line or leader, whether fixed or sliding, is less than six feet. For purposes of this section, “weight” includes any product used to submerge the line or leader, including non-buoyant artificial flies or artificial lures, but does not include integrated or sinking fly fishing lines, lead core lines used while trolling from a boat, dropper weights used while trolling from a boat, or clipped weights used with downrigger systems."

The way I see it, an indicator or foam grasshopper doesn't start the measurement. A #18 copper john might and a heavily weighted woolly bugger would certainly qualify as a weight. Splitshot is an obvious trigger. A section of T17 tip doesn't count, or does it?


08-24-2017, 09:33 AM
"but does not include integrated or sinking fly fishing lines"

This statement tells us sinking tips and lines are okay.

08-24-2017, 09:43 PM
winxp_man,.... The quote appears to refer to whole fly lines (e.g. integrated sink-tips). It does appear to allow shooting heads or sink-tips added thru loop to loop connections, but, how do you see the proposal applying to sinking poly-leaders??

08-25-2017, 09:33 AM
I feel that the intent is to have the term "sinking fly fishing lines" cover tips and poly leaders. But, to me, the text isn't crystal clear and could be interpreted differently in the field.

08-25-2017, 11:59 AM
TahoeJoe,.... After reading the text again, I agree with your thought and that the language is not actually clear. Seems like it would help if DFW provided a bit more context but maybe it's not warranted. So, it is what it is.