View Full Version : Dry Emerger

Mr F
05-07-2017, 11:16 AM
This has been my #1 mayfly pattern for the past year. Enjoy!


Bill Kiene semi-retired
05-07-2017, 11:49 AM
Over the years we watched lots of cripples come along....

Bob Quigley had his 'Quigley Cripple' which might still be the most popular.

Mike Monroe had his 'Para-tilt'.

Montana anglers probably had something to do with the 'Sparkle Dun'.

05-08-2017, 08:55 PM
I have also had lots of luck with the CDC flies. Emergers in particular. Caddis and mayflies. Rene Harrop is the king of CDC and also has some very good dubbing. CDC is usually hard to find, but if you go to www.Trouthunt.com they usually have it in stock in bulk. Most shops just have a few feathers for quite a bit of money. Harrop has been showing how to tie his flies in Fly Fisherman mag. For super technical fishing this guy has it wired!!! The fly you showed is slightly different from Harrop's flies, but I am sure you know just a few changes to a standard fly can produce big dividends... It is probably one of the most fun parts of fly fishing designing and tying flies that work.