View Full Version : New documentary film on our Eel River........

Bill Kiene semi-retired
04-14-2017, 06:24 PM
Jason Hartwick

Hello friends and family,

You are receiving this email because I know you have an interest in healthy rivers supporting wild runs of salmon and steelhead. I am reaching out to ask your support.

Over the past year, I have been working with filmmaker Shane Anderson on a full length documentary on California;s Eel River. It's a story of wild salmon, timber, weed, and wine, and the many conflicts over habitat and water in the Eel system. It also happens to be one of the best chances at wild salmon and steelhead recovery on the west coast.

Link to trailer: https://vimeo.com/205266218

We have some amazing footage and are in the final steps of finishing the film. We are hoping to raise an additional $25K to complete graphics and music production as well as offsetting some distribution costs. Hence, our Kickstarter campaign...

Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1653029036/a-rivers-last-chance?ref=nav_search

We have some amazing gifts for those who wish to contribute through kickstarter. Tax deductible donations can also be made through our fiscal sponsor Pacific Rivers. 100% of all contributions are directed to the film and please note "A River's Last Chance" on your check....

Pacific Rivers
c/o John Kober
317 SW Alder St
Suite #900
Portland, OR 97204

Thank you very much for your support. Please fell free to call or email with any questions or concerns. Thanks and have a great day!