View Full Version : Lower American River going up again........

Bill Kiene semi-retired
01-03-2017, 11:54 AM
Project: Nimbus Dam

Please make the following release changes to the American River.

Date Time From (cfs) To (cfs)

1/05/2017 0700 3,500 5,000
1/05/2017 0800 5,000 7,000

Comment: Storage management/flood control

Issued by: J. Sandberg

01-03-2017, 12:15 PM
I knew it.........Fished the opener at Gritsmill briefly for an hour and the water was nice and clear and yesterday the water was colored again at sunrise. Both days with cero hookups. The only thing available were "zombi salmon"

01-03-2017, 01:32 PM
This I don't understand I'm seeing a 4K inflow into Folsom and yet they're releasing twice as much!!!!! I would love to smash some heads for this type of thinking!!! Well below the flood crap if the kept the lake at 3k from now on I would be willing to bet that we would have plenty of room for storms! Thanks CA thanks!

01-03-2017, 01:34 PM

01-03-2017, 01:54 PM
They flood us so that we won't be flooded

01-03-2017, 04:14 PM
They flood us so that we won't be flooded


01-03-2017, 05:30 PM
I simply don't understand why they are insistent on holding the lake at consistent pool in January

01-03-2017, 05:51 PM
Anyone know when that under-construction secondary release will be functional? I believe it's intended to allow them to keep more water in the lake, since they'll be able to flush it out faster.

If you look at the attached photos, they show the lake spiked in mid-December, when it approached an historically high level for the date. It also shows it was higher than any of the last 10 years for that date, but after it was flushed it dropped to 5th highest. Some other years (e.g, 2012-2013), the lake was allowed to stay much higher. Maybe there's some method to the madness.

Mark Kranhold
01-03-2017, 06:14 PM
I'm with you John, would love to know when the new spillway is in functioning order. And why didn't they do a fish ladder during that project? They could always do Nimbus at a later date, a much smaller scale!

01-03-2017, 07:01 PM
Mark so what I heard in recent days is that there is a ladder project that will start. Not sure on the date. Also a leader length law in order. I guess we have to wait and see. Hoping to see these soon being implemented.

01-04-2017, 12:19 PM
How's this leader law going to affect a guy with a Scandi and 17ft mono leader to a dry fly? I'm sure f/g will bend us right over for that one since none of them have a clue what's going on. How about a no splitshot/ weighted flies law...

01-04-2017, 03:30 PM
How's this leader law going to affect a guy with a Scandi and 17ft mono leader to a dry fly? I'm sure f/g will bend us right over for that one since none of them have a clue what's going on. How about a no splitshot/ weighted flies law...

If you are not using weights to drift your good to go. So fly guys are not in the wrong with a longer leader for dry flies. So speaking there is no way for a gear guy to use longer leader then 4-5'. Its what I heard. So then the talk was they will use long lead core line. Being I use gear stuff to there is no way you can make lead core line work what so ever. This is what I have been hearing. So will wait to see what happens.

01-04-2017, 03:37 PM
Oh yea and you can't use split shot either.

01-05-2017, 07:20 AM
Can you provide a link to these new leader and shot laws? A quick search didn't turn anything up.

01-05-2017, 12:03 PM
Can you provide a link to these new leader and shot laws? A quick search didn't turn anything up.

This was inside info. I can't think of the guys name that told my buddy about it. But he is one of the people working on this. So this is a law currently being written. Maybe why nothing came up. Can you imagine the gear guys opposition? About two or three years ago I was down at H Street island swinging some flys at the bottom of the island. Well a guy comes down with a fish and lands it but not with out crying about my and my buddy being in his way some how. Then I get to asking him about leader length and boy did that convo go further south than it already had. So imagine if a public announcement was made haha. Not saying this is the reason why it's not public but just a reason in my mind. But the person who the info came from is credible.

01-06-2017, 06:35 AM
An interesting side note on the rising water. I saw on the television news yesterday morning that county officials were going up and down the American river securing the area for public safety from the impending high water. They were interviewing officials, police, rangers etc. Comments were made that all islands on the river were closed and people were being duly warned and anyone found on the islands would be ticketed or arrested, and that there would be a substantial presence of officers on the parkway. They were making a big deal about going through these measures so rescuers wouldn't have to risk their lives saving some shmuck fishing where he shouldn't be. OK, that's all fine and well. I went out to upper Sunrise yesterday just to have a look. No signs at the entrance stating the islands were closed and high water was imminent. No rangers, nothing. I was there about 90 minutes, by the island above the old bridge, which always floods over and is dangerous place to be in this situation. I spoke with several guys who were fishing, nobody had seen an officer or official of any kind. One guy had been on the island much of the morning and bailed when he noticed the water coming up. No rangers, no signage, no warnings, nothing.

Maybe it's because there was no television crew stationed there?

Mark Kranhold
01-06-2017, 07:52 AM
Moose, I think they are talking more about the homeless camps? The homeless have taking over many islands as a safe zone for there living, especially mid to lower river. Not bad ..waterfront property, Lol! I have witnessed this even out on the NEMDC (aka steelhead creek.) The levee patrol was on the loudspeaker warning the homeless that there islands will be flooded out. The homeless disgust me, they have littered the riverbanks with filth. Off the topic but here is some interesting fish facts about the NEMDC. http://calfish.ucdavis.edu/location/?ds=694&reportnumber=1276&catcol=4690&categorysearch='Natomas%20Main%20Drainage%20Canal-Sacramento%20River'

01-06-2017, 08:04 AM
I can see the headlines now: Bureau of Reclamation conducts social purge of fiscally challenged.