View Full Version : Just around the corner

Baja Fly Fisher
03-15-2016, 08:21 PM
It's almost here!!!! One week from today, we'll (MY GROUP) will be on Christmas Island fishing for those hard pulling GT's. Myself, I'm looking for some milkfish, queenies and maybe a few bones. Might do some trevally fishing. I'm halfway packed, just gotta figure out what else I need to take. I have rods, reels, lines, flies, leaders, wading shoes. Oh yeah, I forgot one change of clothes
I plan on doing more photo shooting than fishing. I've got 6 64gig cards and some spare batteries. Also bringing my charger.
Damn, I can't wait


Tony Buzolich
03-15-2016, 08:56 PM

Don't forget your A/C adaptor. Three prong New Zealand /Australian socket to 110 V American.

We saw lots of milkfish on the flats, but the bigger ones were offshore. Lots of small queen fish too, but nothing over 12"-14". Here's an average milkfish we netted off the flats for chum. Nothing got wasted. What wasn't used for chum was cleaned and taken home by the guides for dinner and lunch the next day.

You guys will all have fun. Wish I was going with you, Tony

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b320/buzolich/IMG_0324a_zpsd7p6j8qp.jpg (http://s22.photobucket.com/user/buzolich/media/IMG_0324a_zpsd7p6j8qp.jpg.html)

Bill Kiene semi-retired
03-16-2016, 06:58 AM
The wading on vast, light colored, firm flats for Bonefish with a 7, 8 weight fly rod is the big deal there for most.

Tell the new comers to flats fishing to not get excited if they don't do well the first or second day. It will all come together for them if they just keep their spirits up and fish.

Good Polarized glasses are important.

The only way to learn to see the fish is to get off by yourself without a guide and look for them.

Christmas Island is one of the top fly fishing destination in the world......

I have been on over 30 Bonefishing trips, including 13 times to Christmas Island and I love Bonefish.

My article on Bonefishing:



Tony Buzolich
03-16-2016, 09:51 AM

Another thing I forgot to mention was the color of the sun glasses. On the first day I had my Costa's on with a bronze color lens and couldn't see worth a darn. I know, they're hard to see any time. The next day I put on some Oakleys with an amber lens and it was like somebody turned a switch on. I could see fish everywhere. Still not easy but a 100% better than the day before.

I'd say to take a couple pair of sun glasses and try them both out to see which works best. If there's cloud cover or overcast sky the lighter color lens will be a better choice.

03-16-2016, 09:59 AM
Tony is correct. I generally use the Haber copper/rose glasses for fishing on the flats. However, under certain light and bottom conditions the amber lenses are much better. Amber lets in more light. I always carry both and experiment with them from time to time.

03-16-2016, 07:56 PM
go get em Jay and the boys. Give me a report when you get back. We head out in April and hope the ono are on fire. Use rose on clear days, and amber on cloudy days. Blue flash and grey for offshore. I want you to tell me which is stronger a big GT or a big rooster. Have fun, Don

03-17-2016, 09:52 PM
Hey Jay, have you gotten a hold of the new Edge rods yet? I have an 8wt and am going to try out the proto type 12wt while I am on CI. We are going with a couple of the guys at Edge rods. I also like the new impact TFO rod.
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/mems15/fishing1282_zpsc2f9dcd7.jpg (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/mems15/media/fishing1282_zpsc2f9dcd7.jpg.html)
Go get one of these, the goldens are the toughest trevally to catch, it is their permit.
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/mems15/fishing_zpsf9677a78.jpg (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/mems15/media/fishing_zpsf9677a78.jpg.html)
But I want you to get one of these and tell me if it is tougher than a big rooster. Crush it, Don

03-24-2016, 09:26 PM
My friend just got back, they had to stay an extra week cause the plane broke down. Their group had lots of great offshore action. One day a group gto 4 sails and a couple of ahi to 100lbs. My friend went out last day and got some 25lb ahi on the fly in a bird pile. He said it was too wet to go to Y site or the wreck. I go on April 12th. Hope the plane works for us. I am sure Jay will have a great time.
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/mems15/023_zpsmg7emlhu.jpg (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/mems15/media/023_zpsmg7emlhu.jpg.html)
Full moon yesterday got this little ono when we were ready to reel up. You never know, we called it the wisconsin buzzer beater ono. Hope you guys have a great Easter. I am going offshore in kona on saturday, maybe a spearfish! Mems.

03-25-2016, 03:14 PM
That's a little ono? How do you prepare ono? Ceviche?

Btw, your fish diet is gonna have you reach a ripe old age over 100!


03-25-2016, 04:11 PM
Hey EO, yeah we call the little ones rockets. This one shot out of the water and hit the lure. I made ono tempura with sweet and sour chili sauce wed night and last night I had baked ono with wasabi mayo and italian bread crumbs and parm cheese. You just don't want to over cook them. I am going offshore in kona tomorrow. Hope we get lucky.
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/mems15/008_zps2a2d2c36.jpg (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/mems15/media/008_zps2a2d2c36.jpg.html)
Here is a better ono around 50lbs
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/mems15/newfile_zpsc8aef182.jpg (http://s15.photobucket.com/user/mems15/media/newfile_zpsc8aef182.jpg.html)
They look a lot cooler right out of the water with the tiger stripes. They are really tough to see in the water. Don'like to get close to the business end. Mems.

03-28-2016, 08:53 AM
Those stripes look hella cool Don.

The food sounds delicious!!!!!!