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View Full Version : Winston Boron II-MX 9 ft 5 wt

09-10-2015, 10:45 AM
September 10, 2015

I won a Winston Boron II-MX 9 foot 5 wt at a Reno TU event in 2014. I have never used the rod. It retails, I am told for $795. I am asking $495 OBO, but if you pay close to the asking price, I will donate on your behalf $100 to the Reno/Tahoe Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing for disabled veterans. You will receive a letter acknowledging your $100 (of the purchase price) contribution to the national 501 C3 organization as a tax deductible contribution.
The rod is in excellent condition. I did allow a friend from the Fly Fishers of Davis cast it once, but that was the only time this rod has ever been used.

I am the program lead for the above mentioned organization, and I live in the Reno area which may make the exchange an issue. Email me with your offer at the email provided below.

Thank you
John Imsdahl