View Full Version : G6 Caddis pupa recipe anyone?

05-26-2015, 11:58 PM
I'm headed to the Truckee this week, so I've been tying to get my box up to par. I've been tying a lot of Caddis stuff since they seem to be the hot ticket according to reports. When reading one such report I stumbled upon this "G6" pattern and its apparently a killer on the Truckee right now. Anyone familiar with this particular pattern or know the recipe for it? I'm sure I could get close just by looking at it but the thing I'm not sure of is what material they're using for the body. Any ideas?

Here's a pic of the fly...

05-27-2015, 02:08 PM
Sure looks like chartreuse holographic tinsel to me, at least from the various samples on the 'net. Pattern is by Matt "Gilligan" Koles so perhaps you can drop him a email to find out the truth.

05-27-2015, 04:49 PM
Buy a few at mountain hardware and you can copy them later on if you like. You should be able to put one together from the pic alone. Not sure if asking the person who sells them if they'd give you the recipe would be successful.

05-27-2015, 05:03 PM
Yea, I tied a few using a green thread to build up the body, put some flashback tinsel along the back and wrapped it with green wire to get some segmentation. Should do the trick! I guess I was just curious if anybody out there knew the specifics of the pattern. Thanks for the input guys.

Dan Harrison
05-28-2015, 12:48 PM
Yea, I tied a few using a green thread to build up the body, put some flashback tinsel along the back and wrapped it with green wire to get some segmentation. Should do the trick! I guess I was just curious if anybody out there knew the specifics of the pattern. Thanks for the input guys.

I tried to find that pattern everywhere ended up just like buying one and just copying it. Personally hate fishing store bought flies. Little tip Caught 10 bows 1 brown this tues all on a 16 Walts worm tan silver bead. If your not familiar with the pattern its the most pathetic looking and easy to tie fly ever. But it just works everywhere looks like nothing and everything. Oh and lots of mud coming out of boca on tuesday, i fishing above it. May have stopped by now but not sure.

05-29-2015, 10:58 AM
Not sure if asking the person who sells them if they'd give you the recipe would be successful.
You would be surprised, then. Most tiers are more than willing to share their patterns because they know that doing so increases their visibility and prestige by spreading the popularity of their patterns to a population that would not otherwise buy their patterns (i.e. tiers). Granted there are always a few of the unhelpful lot that think that sharing their patterns ultimately diminishes their bottom line, but most commercial tiers I know do not fall in this category, thankfully.

06-06-2015, 12:25 PM
I think I would use a clear plastic strip over your body thread then wrap with wire. It always makes a good segment look.

06-06-2015, 10:24 PM
Give this guy a shout Truckee River Fly Fishing Guide – Matt “Gilligan” Koles.
I thought I found the recipe once, but lost it. I can say this is a winner pattern. Below is a quote from his blog back from July 2011.

"In summer, if I had one fly to fish the Truckee River it would be my G-6 Caddis Pupa. In green, or tan, sizes #12-#16, it catches fish faster than any other fly, like a G-6. The Truckee has an insane amount of caddis, usually by early summer, fish start feeding with reckless abandon on them. Fish it deep, on the swing, or off the back of say an elk hair caddis. It’s a cross between Barr’s Graphic Caddis, and the best and most famous pupa ever, Lafontain’s Sparkle Pupa. Some shops got ‘em, but they will go global this fall from Solitude Fly Co. Fish are on the pupa as you can see in these shots from the last few days.

Good luck and if you find the recipe pass it on.
J. Ice

10-25-2015, 12:27 AM
So I am really late to the party here. Sorry, I was in Montana fishing when this thread came about. I bought a few of these back when at Mountain Hardware. They were pretty much like the photo that you see. I thought they were a really simply pattern to create. For the body: UTC Green Holographic Tinsel. I ribbed with a chartreuse wire x-sm or sm depending on size. Didn't want it to overwhelm the fly...more add an illusion of segmentation along with holding the fly together. Next, I used an ice dub(pick a color that will come close) and applied it on the top half of the hook above the abdomen and "pinch" dubbed it onto the hook. This was the effect similar to La Fontaine's sparkle pupa case. Last I/Gil used partridge for a soft hackle 360 around the hook...oh and then a black ostrich collar. Matt's a much better fisher than I, but I haven't had the success he claims with these...or his.

I have tried them many time on the Truckee and other waters where green caddis are present. Effective yes, but LaFontaine is the master...does anyone really need more than the Deep Sparkle Pupa and the Sparkle Pupa Emerger? Maybe in a few colors? Matt's design look sick on the vise and catches fish no doubt. My experience though is it isn't an improvement on the master, LaFontaine's, pattern. I love Matt and tie a number of his flies...he has got the Truckee dialed...you can't go wrong fishing his flies on the Truckee river. You will likely catch more than most in following that advice lol. If you have any questions or want pictures, pm me. Again, sorry of the late response. I was really drawn in by the, green in particular, G6s...green's my favorite color. Hell, if I was a fish...this would be the pattern I ate first all the time :)