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View Full Version : The Umpqua finally gave up some bounty for me

03-20-2015, 06:07 PM
Spent a couple of days up there last weekend on a trip with fellow board member Ryan Rmacneil656. I knew I wasn't ready to put my big stick away and neither was he. It was a toss up to possibly go to the T instead, a river he has close ties with. But I had wanted to get up to the fly only section this winter and with rain in the forecast - that settled it...we would take a chance and head to where it was wet to scratch the itch.

We got camp set up in light rain before 3AM the first night. The rain was off and on the first night and day but really came down the second night. The first day the water had good visibility, temp about 49/50 and that morning I hooked a nice fish in our first run in the camp water that pulled free with a head shake on top. That looked like a good sign. The second day the water had an obvious haze about it from the drenching and the temp went up slightly to maybe 52. By the third and last morning the water was clouded up and the skies had cleared.

Late afternoon in the first day - whammy...no question this was a good fish, feeling very solid. It made no jumps and to our surprise, quickly started running up river making the click pawl sound quite happy. After a few minutes of that it was headed back down river. I got it nearer to the surface in some slower water and saw just how large it was. Just then it saw me too and peeled off to deeper water again. Finally it started to give in and I was able to gradually bring it through slower current (a few times back and forth trying to get it near the surface, causing my arms to ache) where thankfully Ryan was able to tail it (nicely done Ryan). We had just landed the largest steelhead of my life. Ryan let out his shock at its size through a few expletives while I started to realize how fast my heart had got to racing now that the fight was over. Pure adrenaline...that I could feel, this fish got my core to shake on the inside instead of the out.

After that Ryan was pumped to find a grab. The rest of the trip he was first through the stops we were both fishing at. And Sunday I watched him working his swing through a perfect looking winter run. Sure enough he got a great grab right where he expected it, but after a short run the fish did a head shake and tossed the hook. I saw the splash down river and Ryan's expression said it all...one of xhilarationon and shock that it was off. I felt for him. We didn't see a lot of people on the water. The locals said the run has been very off because of the low water conditions this winter. The levels aren't too much different than summer right now. The run should only improve if they continue to get rain. Not just another winter trip in the books, but one I'll always remember.






https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11009382_387750158070584_992594155427719861_n.jpg? oh=c259c27998e1693a2ed46fe63087975d&oe=55BC1C1E&__gda__=1438546565_5f2e82961bb05b6bb56088758da3d32 b




03-20-2015, 06:28 PM
I love the Umpy.

Looks like you guys found the hogs! Great pics,

Thanks for that.

Do you ever get up there for the summer runs?

Mark Kranhold
03-20-2015, 06:54 PM
Right on Bryan & Ryan! Nice teamwork and love the pics.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
03-20-2015, 07:25 PM
5 Star Post.....thanks.

John H
03-20-2015, 09:47 PM
Great pictures, Bryan and congrats on the big fish. Thanks for taking the time to put that together. You really can feel the adrenaline after a nice fish is landed. I drove by the North Umpqua Sunday and it was looking fishy.

03-20-2015, 11:16 PM
NICE!! I was up there one afternoon two weeks ago - low, clear, cold water and a bunch of casting practice. That river gets into you, though - try the summer run, if you haven't already. Congrats - I'm jealous.

03-21-2015, 01:25 AM
Awesome report, fish and some very solid photography...


Don Powell
03-22-2015, 08:53 AM
Super post and congratulations! The North Umpqua is a treasure and I'm happy for your success. The images depict steelhead weather that I have dreams about on a regular basis...

Larry S
03-22-2015, 04:26 PM
Great report; pictures tell it all.
Larry S

03-22-2015, 07:15 PM
Great post! Man those words, and those beautiful pictures really take me there. Such a special place, and some amazing fish in that river. My absolute favorite river, by far. I have been really missing fishing there, having not taken a trip up that way since early October. I also know that hooking a winter steelhead on that section is a real challenge, and landing one is something special. I bet you will remember that trip for the rest of your days.

03-26-2015, 12:46 PM
Larry, Mark, John, Bill, STEELIES, Jason, Don & all else - thanks for the kind words guys. I'm glad you appreciated the report and pics. A winter trip there can be tough for hook ups but as you know that is only a part of the whole adventure. Using a quote from the steelheadbum site:

"Unlike the summer, it’s not uncommon to walk into camp water and find yourself in complete solitude during the winter. More so, landing a North Umpqua winter steelhead is damn near a religious experience. If you are fortunate enough to bring one to hand, relish the moment, for they are truly amazing animals that are not an every day occurrence."

It was one to remember, for sure.

Don Powell
03-28-2015, 05:06 PM
And it is a very special "fraternity"- of that, I am more than sure...

The Arborist
04-06-2015, 05:29 PM
Wow! Great story, beautiful fish, amazing photos and very interesting rod/reel. Care to share the specs?