View Full Version : Unobstructed Waterways in USA....???

02-03-2015, 09:02 PM
Was reading a report by R. E. Tharme, "Freshwater Research Institute", University of Cape Town, cited on the website for the Delta Environmental Flows Group and found a statement that really caught my attention; excerpted as follows:

"....In the United States alone, over 85% of all inland surface waters are artificially controlled, including by more than 6575 large dams, with only 2% of the region’ s 5.1 􏰀 106 km of rivers and streams remaining undeveloped and free-flowing (Abramovitz, 1995; Pringle, 2000; WCD, 2000)."

I knew there were a lot of alterations to river stream flows here but had no idea how many large dams that're in place and how much we have affected and/or altered flows here in the USA.

The entire document may be viewed at the website for the Delta Environmental Flows Group.

02-03-2015, 09:28 PM
Interesting and very believable!

Is there a website/map link? I found the journal article but maybe there is a more user-friendly version for the general public?

I think the John Day is the longest un-dammed river in Oregon. In California, maybe the Smith or S. Fork Trinity?

Thanks for the info, D!

02-03-2015, 11:21 PM
Hmmm,.... That document is a bit technical/long. I didn't find any related map for this subject. I was looking at the Delta Environmental Flows Group website but the main reason I was looking was to determine what they recommended on flows required for the Delta to the SWRCB.

Not sure but I'd guess the Smith might be the longest unobstructed river in this state....