View Full Version : labor day weekend in Montana.

09-01-2014, 10:45 PM
After a crazy first week at The University of Montana, some fishing and a little exploring were in order. After my last class i packed up the yoda with the necessities (rods, a sleeping bag, and some beer), and made my way to my uncles place about 45 minutes west of kalispell. On the property lies a nice creek that is fed by a lake and a few springs. It's a tiny spit of water that runs through waist high grass, and it gets fished only a handful of times a year.
As i walked out into the meadow, literally hundreds of grasshoppers jumped to escape my path with each couple of steps. It was the kind of sight that just makes you smile. I rigged up a short 5x leader and hit the furthest pool on the property line. In my first 3 cast's, my personal record for biggest Brookie was Broken 3 times in 3 consecutive cast's... All i could do was laugh. I took 5 side steps up stream, made a cast...WHAM...a nice rainbow came rocketing out of the water. I took another 5 steps, and you can guess what happened next. I continued working my way up stream 5 steps at a time and the fishing didn't let up at all. Highlight of day one was a 17-19 inch brown that destroyed my fly.
the next day i had planned to head out and repeat the previous days fishing, but mother nature had other plans. it began raining at 4 am and didn't let up until the sun was dipping down. The rain was a bummer but the double rainbow that followed it was pretty amazing!
Waking up this morning and realizing it was back to school for me, I became frantic for that one last fish. After breakfast i rigged up and headed into the thick fog that had settled over the meadow. Returning to that first hole and noticing the clear lack of hoppers, I began searching through the endless boxes fly's in my back pack. After trying ants, beetles, and even a hopper with only a bite to show for it, i rigged up a single #14 green cracked back midge and made my way up stream. the fish seemed a little put off by the storm but luckily i was able to pull a couple nice fish sight nymphing. now its back to fishing the clark fork until the next couple days off.




09-01-2014, 10:46 PM

09-01-2014, 10:48 PM
cant forget my fishing buddy Milo!


Fly Guy Dave
09-02-2014, 07:27 AM
When you get perfect conditions like you described in your first day, it's magical, isn't it? It seems like when fishing in Montana, one gets more than their share of those special days. Congrats!

--F.G. Dave

09-02-2014, 04:40 PM
thanks Dave and that is the truth!

09-03-2014, 01:24 PM
Nice can't beat that.

Dinky Jr
09-04-2014, 12:12 AM
That just looks awesome. I've got to get myself up there someday. Thanks for the post.
