View Full Version : Blue marlin in the hood and tuna too

07-27-2014, 10:01 AM
Rancho Leonero Resort, East Cape BCS, Mexico
A report right from the source:
The week of July 19-26, 2014
The Environment:
We are deep into a hot summer and, like every other Baja summer, the days can be really warm now. Fortunately, the afternoon breezes keep things a little more comfortable.
Water – The water temps are right around 87 degrees.
Air – Just like our fishing … very hot!
The Bottom Line:
Good bait is available thanks to our new bait guys who are doing a great job. Unfortunately, sardina still remain scarce which mattered little until the tuna would eat nothing else. Some bait boats have sardina in small numbers, but are tough to get.
All-In-All: A solid 8.5 on the Rancho Leonero 1 to 10 scale.
Billfish – The blue marlin bite continues to lead the billfish news. Rancho boats found good fish all week in most areas. Fish were caught outside as well as close to shore from Cerralvo to Los Frailes. Striped marlin are around in moderate numbers and sails are plentiful. Blues all were caught on lures while stripers and sails split between ballyhoo and caballitos.
Yellowfin Tuna – Good fish all week with the biggest weighing in at 70-pounds. The free-swimming school down at Los Frailes was producing fish of about 40-pounds all week. Chumming and soaking sardinas was the only successful way. Some boats chose to go outside and scout for porpoise, which proved very successful. Fish from 30- to 70-pounds were taken in good numbers; all on hoochies and cedar plugs.

Dorado – The fish appeared to be slightly bigger this week, 10- to 20-pounders with a few whoppers out in the open water. Again, the fish are spread all over the East Cape with no specific hot spot.
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch …
Inshore fishing continued to provide a true bouillabaisse of pargo, amberjacks, jack cravelle and roosterfish. Additionally, some boats also picked off wahoo, with the biggest right around 50-pounds