View Full Version : Letter to CDF&W Director Bonham to stop BDCP and NCCP.. Lots of info too!

Mike McKenzie
03-05-2014, 09:07 PM
Here and below, Twice is good...

The California Advisory Committee on Salmon and Steelhead Trout (CACSST) was originally created in 1970 as an advisory body to the California Legislature and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

"The CAC was expected to operate autonomously, helping ensure the political will needed to restore California's declining salmon runs," explained Barbara Stickel in “The California Advisory Committee on Salmon and Steelhead Trout: An Epic of Stymied Good Intentions” (200. "However, since the early 1990s the CAC has been neither funded nor staffed to conduct the studies and other activities necessary to fully comply with their directive to oversee California's salmon restoration program. Likewise, although annual reporting, accompanied by proposed legislative changes, as needed, was originally anticipated, it has been twenty years since the last full CAC report to the Joint Legislative Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture was prepared."

Someone breathed some life into the Committee however! They've come out with a letter to Director Bonham of DF&W opposing the BDCP.. This is exactly what we need more of if we want our fisheries to survive the onslaught from the Corporate Ag. folks! Read it here:

Write letters too!


03-06-2014, 08:46 AM
Thanks Mike and Thanks Vivian (CACSST).

Yah, it's not rocket science that increased habitat is moot in the midst of a breached flow regime.

We see this exact paradigm on the American River... tons of gravel and thousands of hours spreading it around the river bottom to provide habitat and then dewatering said gravel/habitat.

I will send a thorough and thought-out letter to CDFW, BOR, DWR, and our CA representatives on behalf of the salmonids whether endangered, threatened or simply imperiled by the mismanagement of our water and proposed BDCP.

Thanks again for all you do bro