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View Full Version : McClintock's Believes Water is Wasted to the Ocean?!?!

02-04-2014, 11:25 PM
4th District Rep. Tom McClintock stated today in the House Rules Committee, "we desperately need to increase storage and until we've increased storage we desperately need not to WASTE that water by dumping it into the Pacific Ocean".

I am pretty sure he would say the same thing about newly created stored water too.

We get the leadership the uninformed voter deserves..... Ugh.

I also understand that LA Metro Water made mention recently that they are good for water until the year 2016. No problem from their perspective, it appears. Beauty!

02-04-2014, 11:53 PM
I've heard that sentiment from several federal/state politicians on both sides of the aisle over the last 2 years. One that distinctly recall was John Garamendi while speaking to ag interests in the southern San Joaquin. His point was that the seventh largest river in California is the treated waste water from the Hyperion plant in SoCal. I really expect that stuff from politicos from the ag districts but not from a guy like Garamendi. I guess it just confirms why I'm a dedicated cynic.

"We get the leadership the uninformed voter deserves..... Ugh." You sure hit that one on the head. McClintock doesn't even reside in the federal district he represents (tho it's not a requirement). I've often wondered whether he ever resided in his state district when he was serving in the legislature. He never made any attempt to hide the fact that he lived in ElkGrove (not in his district). Several of the state legislators I was acquainted with during my years in state service didn't live in their districts even tho it was required to do so. Maybe that's why the legislature can't do anything about the two state members who're under investigation or have been convicted of voter fraud, etc.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
02-05-2014, 06:32 AM
".....until we've increased storage we desperately need not to WASTE that water by dumping it into the Pacific Ocean".

I was told that over 100 hundred years ago the state of California had a big water plan, designed to actually build enough dams, pipelines, tunnels and canals to keep the water from running into the ocean and be wasted.

Kind of like communism, it sounds like a good deal until you try it.
