View Full Version : Lower American River going down more......

Bill Kiene semi-retired
01-03-2014, 04:29 PM
Please make the following release changes to the American River:

Date Time From (cfs) To (cfs)

01/07/2014 0100 1,100 1,000
01/07/2014 0400 1,000 900
01/07/2014 0700 900 800

Comment: Storage conservation

Mark Kranhold
01-03-2014, 06:52 PM
Sad,sad,sad... But as discussed it was coming! Say bye bye to many chinook eggs and fry! For all you anglers ...please respect natures reproductive system for natural spawner's this year! Don't focus on what you can see, just fish water that looks good (4' +) and wait for that grab! I know we have a hatchery but there is nothing like catching a hot fish with a adipose fin that has never seen or relied on a human hand for feed in a concrete channel!! Yes this fish may not be a true native do to spawning with hatchery clones ... But think about it ! A fish that has evolved from a egg in nature has gone through many trials of life to survive its adolescent to adult hood compared to a hatchery fish that gets hand feed daily and then released at 8-10". Remember if you catch a unclipped adipose fish that this little bastard has survived life from Eggrets , herons ,suckers , squaw fish , Striper, poachers and all sea life creatures! Quick pic & a kiss to its head and a good revival till it kicks of strong! Respect natural reproduction..... Except welfare cases!