View Full Version : Adjusting you attractor flies to the ever changing visibility factor.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
11-23-2013, 05:00 PM
Over the years I have listened to many of the veteran fly fishers and top guides when they talk about their ideas about fishing techniques.

I have also listened to and read info from the conventional side of artificial fishing as well.

One big variable is the ever changing visibility factor.

Low light level is in the morning, evening and nighttime plus on overcast days.

Even shade can make a difference.

Dirty water can also change the visibility for the fish.

Chop on the surface can change things too.

High visibility is midday on clear, cloudless, windless days with clear water.

Some basic rules for adjusting to this visibility variable are:

During high visibility times we should use smaller, light colored artificials with lighter tippets and maybe longer tippets and longer leaders.

During low visibility times we should think about using larger, darker, flashier artificials with heavier tippets.

These are just some very general ideas that I have gleaned over the years from veteran guides and top fly fishers.
