View Full Version : All the Valley rivers have King salmon spawning in them now.......

Bill Kiene semi-retired
10-07-2013, 08:06 AM
The Lower American, Lower Yuba, Lower Feather and Lower Sacramento Rivers all have salmon spawning now with Rainbows and Steelhead feasting on the eggs.

Time to get out there now with your egg/nymph indo combo.

We have had a huge ocean salmon return to the California coast and they are now all coming up the rivers to spawn and die.


10-07-2013, 10:00 AM
Don't go to the feather low flow. Way to many salmon and it's all you hook. It's one steelhead hit or actual hook up to 30 salmon. MAybe another week or two then you don't have to deal with all the salmon.

10-07-2013, 10:58 AM
^ I can confirm what Aron said. I was out yesterday, and had a lot of trouble getting past the salmon because there are salmon on the redds, salcom behind those salmon, and salmon behind them. I fished hard in the low flow and only landed one steelhead (right above the low flow take out).

I am not sure how how it will be, but I think it needs a little more time. (Unless you like to hear your drag, lose flies and tie lots of knots.)