View Full Version : Summertime...Truckee Area

Frank R. Pisciotta
06-08-2013, 09:14 AM
IMO, the last week-plus of unusual hot air temperatures (...at least at this elevation) have sort of slowed the fly fishing down a bit. Go we've had to go "low & slow" for most of the grabs.

We're still waiting for more consistent surface activity and its corresponding heavier emergence of aquatics (...actually seeing an occasional hopper [ Flying Black Ants are fading...1st Big Bug of June] and its the second week of June!). Bugs are in flight but not yet in big numbers. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd sure like to start looking for heads...after slinging all this lead for an extended amount of time.

I just received a reliable report of Green Drake adults (2nd Big Bug of June) deep in the canyon...hoping it moves upstream.

See my latest E-Quickie Report at www.flyfishingcalifornia.blogspot.com

Tight Lines-----

Frank R. Pisciotta

06-08-2013, 10:56 AM
I had good luck on the little truckee with big black ants. Didn't see any rising fish, but they still came up for my ant. Nice fat rainbows. Did raise a big brown, but missed the set.

Frank R. Pisciotta
06-08-2013, 02:36 PM
John D---If you haven't viewed my 6/7 e-comment on my blog post today (www.flyfishingcalifornia.blogspot.com). Yes, ants have been eaten for about 10 days now; wet or dry.

As I also mentioned...mosquitos are an real issue right now on the LT. I have a mosquito jacket; covering hands, face and torso.

Frank R. Pisciotta

06-08-2013, 04:38 PM
Your link is broken but I found and bookmarked your site. Hope the GD are moving next weekend when my brother comes to town.

Frank R. Pisciotta
06-08-2013, 05:16 PM
John----Whoops...supposed to be "...Blogspot..."I had just "...blog..." So www.flyfishingcalifornia.blogspot.com should work...Thanks for bringing to my attention.

Leaving my house in Truckee now (5:10PM)...locally we're on the Green Drake Watch

...sign-on to the blog and you'll get it as I post.

Frank R. Pisciotta

Frank R. Pisciotta
06-10-2013, 12:01 PM
"...locally we're on the Green Drake Watch"

The Green Drakes are on the Truckee. Personally witnessed 7-8 last evening (Sunday night 6/9) from 8:10-8:35PM; deep in the "canyon"...Buddies hooked-up two "decent" trout (one a leaping Brown) on emerger imitations...but neither brought to hand.

Previous evening saw two GD's along Glenshire; hooked-up on a hefty brown...which inhaled a#8 Green Drake Quigley Cripple...again not brought to hand...uncorked after its third aerial.

So....it will be about a week before the trout realize there is a high-caloric bug present...and will have a memory imprint. They'll start keying on them at the surface. This event will last about 3 weeks.

Frank R. Pisciotta

Frank R. Pisciotta
06-13-2013, 05:23 PM
Weather cooling down a bit. Gusting winds have been an issue last couple of days...for the inexperienced caster. There has been a slight shift in that we're starting to hook more fish on the surface; although few consistent risers and not a lot of intense bug emergences...yet. Still the best method for the larger fish has been "down & dirty".

Frank R. Pisciotta

Frank R. Pisciotta
06-18-2013, 07:12 AM
During the last few days we're seeing a slight shift in tactics because more bugs are emerging and progressively there are more on/near-surface feeders. We've been slinging a lot of lead thus far this season; the increasing surface activity is welcome. Best times from my experience has been late-morning and dusk.

Frank R. Pisciotta

Frank R. Pisciotta
06-24-2013, 08:40 AM
...wonderful fly fishing weather...I'm out the door!

Frank R. Pisciotta

06-24-2013, 04:53 PM
After two very successful trips to the area recently I brought my brother up yesterday (only day he had available this trip) Phew, what a stinker. We fished all day and saw very few fish. I'm gonna blame it on the weather. Saw some great hatches - even some drakes, but no noses. Only grabs were nymphs on the swing. Even with the unsettled weather there were lots ofnpeople on the water.