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View Full Version : Kiene's Expo yesterday was another great sucess story.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
04-21-2013, 12:38 PM
Like I have said in the past, everyone makes that Expo a great day.

This year our staff member Tim Au-young took on the oprganizing of the Expo and did a great job. Thanks....

Charlie Gonzales had some smoken' good pulled pork sandwiches and Scott Vaugh helped out serving. Thanks.....

We had lots of great powerpoint presentations on all types of fly fishing venues. Thanks....

All the manufacurer's Reps showed up with lots of new tackle to talk about. Thanks.....

All the local fly clubs showed up as usual spreading the faith. Thanks......

The raffles where great with donations for the companies. Thanks...

Many local guides and lodges donated to our raffle event. Thanks........

Some great local fly tiers showed us their talents in making fur, hair and feathers look cool. Thanks.....

Our staff and friends who volinteered did a great job too. Thanks....

Our new owner, Steve Jensen and his team showed up to bond with everyone.

Marilyn and I really enjoyed the day but it was impossible, as usual, to spend time with everyone we saw.

It was another great day for Kiene's..........


Baja Fly Fisher
04-21-2013, 09:13 PM

I want to thank Kiene's Grizzly Hackle Fly Shop for inviting me to another great Fly Fishing Fair. I always have a great time talking to people and showing them new flies. Plus sitting next to Ken is like having a comedy show - Hell yes we have a good time.
The pulled pork sandwiches that Charlie made were great, thanks Charlie. The early morning donut was excellent, although not on my food menu.
Sorry I didn't meet Steve Jensen but I'll be back in at the end of June on my way to McCloud, not to fish but a wedding
Also, sorry I left early but I had a plane to catch early Sunday morning.

Thanks again


Doug O
04-21-2013, 10:48 PM
I'd like to thank you, Tim Fox, and all of the staff, for a fantastic time at your annual Expo. Tim Au Young did an outstanding job organizing the event. He made sure that everything went smoothly for everyone. His tremendous effort was well appreciated. The quality of anglers attending the event was outstanding. My Power Point show went very well providing some valuable contacts. I'm already looking forward to next year's event.
Thanks again,
Doug Ouellette Calvada Fly Fishing (775) 722-2267

Bill Kiene semi-retired
04-22-2013, 08:00 AM
Thanks Doug

I guess things will start to get real busy for you now with this warm weather.

Here is Doug's web site: http://www.calvadaflyfishing.com/


Scott V
04-22-2013, 09:18 AM
I was so busy all day I had little to no time to shop, visit, or even compete in the long distance casting. Oh well, maybe next year. All I know is a lot of people were real happy from the food that Charlie made.

04-23-2013, 08:23 AM
To Bill, Adam Grace, and all the shop staff, the presenters, the vendors, the fly tyers, a very big THANK YOU for a great event. I have been to it in the past but for some reason this one was the most enjoyable. Enjoyed visiting with Jay and Ken, Hogan, Glen, Doug, et all.

Congratulations on a very well put together event.

04-26-2013, 07:32 PM
I agree, I learned quite a bit.....if one had a question about fishing an area... anywhere.....one could find an answer!.....Q; have the door prizes and raffle item winners been posted yet? I am looking forward to the next one! Thanx guys for the fun informative time.

Larry S
04-27-2013, 04:29 PM
Tim A-Y should stand up and take a deep bow! Understand his "blood, sweat, and tears" in the recent Expo.
He also has a special touch in the shipping dept and is very helpful over the phone. You da man, Tim. Thanks.
Larry S

04-29-2013, 07:14 PM
Time A-Y many thanks for your hard work buddy. Good solid day of fun, ideas being exchanged, lot's of friends, and big ol' smiles.

Charlie your food was delicious. Two thumbs up!

The Kiene's crew continues to be a first class team operation. Thanks for inviting me to be part of the day.

Cheers, Ken