View Full Version : Guide Fishing Reports: Lower & Upper Sac, Klamath & Trinity Rivers

Craig Nielsen
03-07-2013, 10:45 AM
The weather has been unbelievably warm and sunny until a late season storm dumped a fresh fall of snow in Mt. Shasta. There is near perfect weather in the forecast and more great fishing to be had. Flocks of geese and ducks have returned to the river to begin their courtship and we've seen our first Osprey arrive, repairing their nests for their fledglings. The Redbud is beginning to bloom and spring is in the air.

River conditions have been fair with cold water on the Klamath and Trinity and off color water on the Klamath and Lower Sac, so while the fishing has been outstanding, the catching has been incredible on some days and only fair on others. Despite sometimes challenging conditions, most visiting anglers have enjoyed satisfying days working hard for a few good fish, while other guests have been rewarded with some of their finest days ever!

Flows on the Lower Sacramento River have been clearing and very low and steady. The bite has been fair to great with caddis on clear sunny days and small mayflies popping on the drippy days. Egg patterns and rubberlegs have found fish during non hatch periods as well. The average size of the fish we have been finding continues to be exceptional. Fishing has been good on most days when the wind has not hampered the bite. The peak of the March Browns and spring caddis hatches are just days away, we recommend you schedule a trip while prime spring hatches are in full swing.

Steelhead fishing on the upper Trinity River has slowed as most of our great local guides have moved to the Lower Sac after treating our guests to some of the best fishing they've enjoyed all year. There are still some steelhead in the system but most are spawning as the season concludes so we suggest avoiding fishing over spawning beds to give these fish the best opportunity to successful mate and provide great fishing for wild fish in the future.

The Klamath River has seen some unexpected fluctuation of clarity and some exceptionally cold water so the fishing has suffered as a result. We've had to cancel and reschedule a number of trips but those who have been lucky enough to arrive after flows have cleared enjoyed some good fishing and some hot fish. Flows are currently very low and steady with water temps moving up which has improved the bite. While greater numbers of fish are coming on legs and glo bugs, we are finding a few midday on small nymphs during the Blue Wing Olive Hatch and an improving grab on the swing.

The bite, particularly on the swing, has improved as water temps have risen, the recent storm will likely move more fresh fish into the upper river and further improve the bite. If you are looking for the opportunity to get in your last steelhead trip of the season, particularly if you are seeking to swing, we suggest you schedule a trip in the next month. The Rogue and Umpqua are also showing some fresh fish and our good friend, and great guide Rich Zellman, who features these southern Oregon gems, has some availability so if you can shake free we recommend a road trip to sample the spring run steelhead fishing while it lasts.

The Upper Sacramento River has also been fishing exceptionally well as flows have been quite low and clear, making for easy wading and great fishing by winter standards. This is not the time of season we expect large numbers of fish but a time when the average fish will be into the teens and the biggest fish of the season come to hand. Hatches of mayflies and caddis have been sparse, peaking during the warmest part of the day when the bite is best. Most fish have been coming on nymphing rigs fished through the slow inside seams though a dry dropper rig produces surprising well and can be more enjoyable to cast. If you are seeking a walk and wade option to get your trout season started the Upper Sac is your best option.

For a complete report including some photos visit our website. Drop us a line if you are headed our way, we would be pleased to hook you up with the finest local guides or if you prefer, send you in a direction you might most enjoy. We hope to hear from you soon!