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View Full Version : Different Kind of Box

Baja Fly Fisher
03-01-2013, 04:55 PM
Here's a different kind of box, it's not made of wood. This is a copy of the Cliff boxes. One is sold by Jo-Anns and the other one is sold by Flambeau. I made the inserts using 3/4" polyurethene foam. I will hold a number of bass flys without destroying the weed guards.

Copy and Paste to view the boxes, exact same box as the Cliff.

The other one is from Jo-Anns. designed a little different in that the lock is off centered compared to the other one. I glued in 3/4" foam.
this is a clear box in which I applied some stickers to dress it up. I order some of the smaller 10 1/2" boxes in lt. blue for bonefish, permit flies, carp flies, etc



I will bring these boxes with me when I come to the kiene Grizzly Fly Fair in April.


forgot: here's a photo of the box

03-01-2013, 05:10 PM
Well Jay, great minds think alike or maybe obsessed minds think alike. Anyway, I purchased similar boxes but I had some slotted high density blue foam I bought several years ago from feathercraft. I cut that to fit the boxes. Also mine have different stickers like local fly shops and HaberVision. :o) You should get some sickers made and I'll put those on my boxes too.

PS Those are amazing flies. Have you ever tried them for pez gallo?

Baja Fly Fisher
03-01-2013, 05:33 PM
I used this style of foam because I don't want to disfigure the weed guards. This keeps them nice and straight. I have some dense foam for the other flies but thinking on using 1/2" poly foam for the bonefish and permit flies. I have a bunch of tarpon bait fish patterns that will go into the 3/4" foam. I have a couple new style flies that I"m going to try and catch the cocenero's on. Real small flies that look like algae. I used them in Australia a few years back.

The hair bug flies work of roosters and jacks but don't hold up to well. I'm taking a few with me this year with longer tails like the one in the photo.


03-01-2013, 10:02 PM
Jay, so you are just poking the weed guard into the foam? What WG are you using. I usually use 30# mason. Maybe I should give you some poon flies for BZE.