View Full Version : Get out floating in something on the water this summer.....

Bill Kiene semi-retired
02-21-2013, 06:14 AM
If you have not fished ponds and lakes and small water floating "in" something, give it a try this spring.

I started out in round float tubes over 40 years ago. It was so cool to be off the bank, moving around in small ponds and lakes. Fishing at eye level with the fish and insects is so cool.

I love fishing top water bass in ponds in the spring. We did this years ago with Leo Gutterres of Stockton, California.

Then we moved to the V-boats which are much easier to get in and out of. They move faster than a round float tube too.

Tried some pontoon boats which gets you up out of the water. Also great for floating rivers.

We got into small wide prams that were 8 feet or longer and found out we could stand and cast, plus with Polaroids on we could see better down into the water.

We like wider canoes and wider kayaks for fly fishing too. Lots of new fishing boats in these categories.

Rafts are a great thing for floating rocky rivers.

Getting out "on the water" opens up a whole new world of fly fishing for you......


Scott V
02-21-2013, 08:39 AM
If you aren't floating all year long, what the heck are you doing? You can catch fish any time of the year. I never understood people that say there is an off season for fishing.

02-22-2013, 01:23 PM
Those round tubes were fantastic when they first came out...I remember thinking how cool it was to get to water I'd never been able to reach before without a boat. But they did have distinct disadvantages...three come to mind: peeing was a bit of a problem, weed beds weren't much fun and you were somewhat limited in the area you could cover. I've still got that old Bucks tube somewhere around here...


02-22-2013, 07:55 PM
Anybody have one with a wooden seat and nylon webbing around the tube. Showing my age I know.