View Full Version : Can you name the flys?

12-27-2012, 01:35 AM
I received my grandpas old fly box and I am trying to figure out the name of the flys in the box. Does anyone have any idea what they are?



Bill Kiene semi-retired
12-27-2012, 08:54 AM
They are mostly old wet flies that came 'snelled' on a short piece of mono or "cat gut" line with a perfection loop.

Those are heavier wire we fly hooks.

They use to put two of them on a short leader with three loops on it.

Then I think they just dabbled them in the streams.

Back in those days there were so many fish that things did not need to be too fancy.

They probably fished them with a 9 foot 3 piece split cane rod and an automatic fly reel.

Over the last 47 years we saw lots of those old flies......


12-27-2012, 03:38 PM
It's going to be difficult to name those flies from a photo. Also, they don't appear to be in prime condition due to their being chomped on by fish (hopefully :) ) If you're interested in classic wet fly patterns, you could start a search of available info for yourself. You could Google names such as Sylvester Nemes, Ray Bergman or get hold of a copy of Orvis Guide to Prospecting for Trout by Tom Rosenbauer. Also, check out the following website:


This is just a starting point of a fun journey. :cool:

12-27-2012, 04:46 PM
Maybe drop a note to Don Bastian. He specializes in classics.


A great many of the wetfly classics came from over the big pond....check out European websites as well....enjoy the journey.

Cheers, Ken

Bob Scheidt
12-27-2012, 05:19 PM
I think the yellow body with the red tail flies might be Professors, a wet fly. Just an educated guess.

Larry S
12-27-2012, 05:31 PM
I posted this over on the spey pages site. We'll see what comes up over there.
I know I could probably dredge up a copy of the one in the middle right in
one of my boxes.
Going to suggest that you go to "Michael's" or similar, and buy a shadow box. Next
time you're beach combing , look for a piece of driftwood for mounting. Maybe even
enclose a picture of Granddad. A real treasure.
Larry S

John Sv
12-28-2012, 12:31 PM
I think i see a Black Zulu and maybe a claret Pennell although if it is a claret Pennell it has been worked pretty good by some fish...

12-29-2012, 01:23 AM
Larry s.

I think the shadow box is a great idea. I have a cool picture of my gramps with my uncle fishing the truckee river around '55. That would look real good next to the flys.

Thanks for the advice on the websites. It will have to go searching.

Larry S
12-29-2012, 08:47 AM
if you're interested, I can send you a few steelhead flies from the 60-70's to add to your
Granddad's. Just PM me your full name and address.
Larry S