View Full Version : Recycling Water....

11-19-2012, 10:50 PM
used in the Fracking process is under consideration according to an article in todays Wall Street Journal. Check out the link:

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203937004578077183112409260.html?K EYWORDS=Fracking+Water (You won't be able to read the entire article unless you're subscriber)

The article mentions that companies use fresh water to frack a gas/oil well. The waste water is usually disposed of by injecting it into deep wells. However, some companies are finding it very expensive to use this disposal process as they have to transport the waste water to a location where injection wells are available.

Apparently, waste water is not only polluted with chemicals but bits of rock, etc., as well. Most of it can be removed but not all. A few tech companies are researching the use of recycling techniques to re-use the same water for fracking wells over and over. This has the obvious benefit of reducing the demand on fresh water supplies where ever fracking occurs.... Of course, not everyone is optimistic about the prospect of having highly polluting water re-injected into wells which have the potential of seeping into groundwater supplies but at least someone is exploring a potential solution.... :cool: