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View Full Version : Truckee Area Fly Angling Update

Frank R. Pisciotta
03-09-2012, 01:55 PM
We received a bit of snow on Tuesday morning (already melted). Since then we've had "blue-bird' days with some serious wind at times, making it a bit difficult to accurately place your flies, even while water-loading or roll-casting. So, close-in high-sticking is preferrred or tip-casting overheads if you're fortunate to see a riser. The skiing & gliding has been superb.

The forecasts are for a slight amount of snow on Sunday night with more serious stuff after mid-week. We need it...

This may seem like heresy, but I'm thinking we're in a very early run-off/melt right now. The waters are very clear. What will retard this melt is a cold-snap and lots of snow during the next 3-4 weeks.

Here is my thinking:

The BT along West River Street and along Glenshire is currently flowing at 153% of normal and below Boca into the canyon the volume is 125% of normal. Granted this may be the result of the Water Master's doing. But, the water is clear and not turbid...possibly because there is so little snow. In a normal melt, which we would anticipate starting in early April, we'd see more turbidity; not so now.

For another of my vanilla-like opinions on the up-coming season check-out my post as of yesterday...www.flyfishingcalifornia.blogspot.com

Frank R. Pisciotta

PS---Ideally "Gilligan" may chip-in with his opinions....

Frank R. Pisciotta
03-14-2012, 11:07 AM
...at my place right now. With 38 degree air temps at my place, not much is sticking and it is melting off quickly. I haven't been on/seen the BT in two days but I'm guessing it is getting higher and murkier....good streamer time.

Road conditions are doable so I'm going down the mountain for a presentation to the Delta Fly Fishers this evening. First thing Thursday morning I'm heading back to Truckee...the best traveling window beause we're anticipating heavier snow on Saturday. I'll return to town on-time for a presentation by Matt "Gilligan" Koles to the Tahoe-Truckee Fly Fishers.

This weather is good...the trout need it!

Frank R. Pisciotta

Frank R. Pisciotta
03-17-2012, 02:07 PM
It was colder last night/early this morning and the snow fell heavily at times. It was dryer than the previous few days. More snow "stuck" during the period on the measurement rail at my 6500' home above Truckee. My nephew is visitng from Seattle, alongwith a couple of buddies, I'm confident they are having fabulous skiing at Squaw Valley todayinto Monday.

BT is up and turbid...as previously mentioned manipulating streamers are a good ploy. Later in the week there is projected milder weather, which will melt and raise the river even more.

Overall this snow is very welcomed for us fly anglers...not to mention the local fishery, which IMO, are a higher priority.

Happy St Patty's to all you lads & lasses...

Frank R. Pisciotta

Adam Grace
03-17-2012, 08:01 PM
Bye the way Frank, what does BT stand for?

Chris Evison
03-17-2012, 09:14 PM
BT= Truckee River

03-18-2012, 10:24 AM
Big truckee

Frank R. Pisciotta
03-18-2012, 09:55 PM
Fabulous powder skiing at both Squaw & Sugar Bowl today.

As for fly fishing access is an issue to the BT below town. I'd wait a few days for some sun, go at mid-day and snow-shoe to the water. I would not anticipate much though...so keep skiing.

Best bet now is in Nevada. Good possiblity of some slashing rises to Skawlas since adults have been on the surface for awhile and the BWO's should continue to emerge. Nevertheless, high-sticking with a tandem set-up of the aforementioned nymphs should be best producer. Such was the case last week-end at the Western Regionals of the US Fly Fishing team. I posted a imageless report on that event at www.californiaflyfishing.blogspot.com. I'm sorting the images now and will add to the post in a couple of days.

Others who know that water better than I should chip in here...it ain't my turf.

Frank...a California-side angler R. Pisciotta

Frank R. Pisciotta
03-28-2012, 11:08 AM
...been snowing in Truckee area since late yesterday (Tuesday). March may be going-out like a lion. I've received 7-8 inches at my 6500' home. The new "white gold" is extremely heavy which translates to more water for the trout.

I would not venture here until we get some mild weather; melt being a major caveat. The run-off will raise & color the BT below the town of Truckee. As it proceeds downstream it will progressively get higher and discolored.

If you must wet a line use flashy streamers or deep nymphing in the flat/slow water. In the "canyon" you might get lucky and cast to risers; slashing floating Skwala adults or bulging on emerging BWO...as occurred two days ago. Overall best times, regardless of method, is noon to 3:30 PM.

Frank R. Pisciotta

PS....go to www.sierrafisherman.com and view the Spring 2012 issue. There on page 10 is the Pro-Tip feature. The theme is "Spring's High-Water Tactics". Some good stuff there; Aaron is a contributor. Thanks Aaron!