View Full Version : Sometimes politics are necessary....

Mike McKenzie
02-15-2012, 05:34 PM
This is one of those times...

Well, as I said after our success with the Fish and Game Commission, we won a battle but the war is yet to be finished...Here's the next battle and it came quick! If you want any Striped Bass in the Bay/Delta or anywhere else in California,or any other anadromous fisheries for that matter! You better get in touch with your Congressional Representative because H.R. Bill 1837 by Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Tulare, and co-sponsored by House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Bakersfield is out kill the CVPIA and it's fisheries restoration objectives, as well as sucking Northern California dry. This is a classic example of self serving greed by Southern San Joaquin Valley Corporate AG...

We need to get everyone we know to write, phone and e-mail their Congressional Rep.'s as well as copy both of their Senators! This Bill is going to committee soon and then to the floor for a vote. We need to act quickly!
Below is just a sample of part of the Bill's language. Especially read (b)(2) below, I'm told that this is an amendment by Tom McClintock.. If they can't win a lawsuit then they buy congressional reps. to overturn any State laws.


(a) Compliance-

(1) IN GENERAL- All requirements of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) shall be considered to be fully met for the protection and conservation of the species listed pursuant to the Act for the operations of the Central Valley Project and the California State Water Project, if the Central Valley Project and the California State Water Project are operated in a manner consistent with the `Principles for Agreement on the Bay-Delta Standards Between the State of California and the Federal Government' dated December 15, 1994.

(2) BIOLOGICAL OPINIONS AND MODIFICATION- The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce shall issue biological opinions for coordinated operations of the Central Valley Project and the California State Water Project that are no more restrictive than provisions of the `Principles for Agreement on the Bay-Delta Standards Between the State of California and the Federal Government' dated December 15, 1994. Such biological opinions may be modified only with the consent of the signatories to the `Principles for Agreement on the Bay-Delta Standards Between the State of California and the Federal Government' dated December 15, 1994.

(b) Preemption of State Law-

(1) STATE LAW PREEMPTION- Neither the State of California, an agency of the State, nor any political subdivision of the State shall adopt or enforce any requirement for the protection or conservation of any species listed under the Endangered Species Act for the operations of the Central Valley Project or the California State Water Project that is more restrictive than the requirements of this section. Any provision of California State law that authorizes the imposition of conditions or restrictions on the operations of the Central Valley Project or the California State Water Project for the protection or conservation of a species that is more restrictive than this section is preempted.

(2) NATIVE SPECIES PROTECTION- Any restriction imposed under California law on the take or harvest of any nonnative or introduced aquatic or terrestrial species that preys upon a native fish species that occupies the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and their tributaries or the Sacramento-San Joaquin Rivers Delta shall be void and is preempted."

We all need to start a tidal wave of opposition to HR 1837
Go read it yourself to see what a dangerous bill this is. It will be the complete and total rape of Northern California for Stewart Resnick's personal enrichment and others of his ilk! Read it here:



02-15-2012, 11:02 PM
This bill has been the subject of a couple of articles in the SacBee and the SF Chron in the recent past. Probably one of the most arrogant, blantant attempts to legislate an outcome that was DOA on every other level before. :confused:

This is the first chance I've had to read the entire bill. It's apparent that the major push is to rush back to the past. But, if I recall my readings of the US Constitution, congress cannot pass a retroactive law. At any rate, I'll be sending off some reading of our "all knowing" legislators to check out. :nod:

Frank Alessio
02-15-2012, 11:31 PM
I did my e-mails as requested Mike... I appreciate your diligence on these matters.. I also suggested that they could have a lot more water if they just moved the Delta pumps just a little ways outside the Golden Gate Bridge... Then they could sell Salt Water ....

03-06-2012, 06:23 AM
How freaking audacious! (Resnick/Westlands).

Just read the bill.

What's next? changing the US Constitution to read, "We the water barons of the US of A..."?

Letters sent, word spread....

Thanks Mike

03-07-2012, 09:31 AM

However in the future take the time to write a form letter for the email similar to the river people do when they want our support. It helps because I do not know how to write opposition letters to legislature and as well I really do not have the time to read entire bills then construct a well thought out retort.

Also consider putting these posts in other sections it was a fluke I was reading the striper section of this message board.