View Full Version : A true "Outdoorsman" from the Great Generation

Bill Kiene semi-retired
01-20-2012, 12:06 AM
I met Chuck Campana about 45 years ago when I worked at Sports Unlimited on Arden Way in Sacramento, California.

Chuck grew up in Camino, California and worked for the CA Department of Boats and Waterways, now retired for many years.

He has worked at our shop for many years and was a founding member of the California Fly Fishers Unlimited here in Sacramento.

He has hunted and fished his entire life. Now in his 70s he has taken on Spey casting and it has really enriched his life.

I feel an "Outdoorsman" is a person who has fished and hunted his entire life and Chuck and other old friends from his generation pioneered much of what we do today.

Having grown up around these old timers I still feel like a wanabee compared to them and what they did.

One of Chuck's most memorable days was when baseball legend Ted Williams came to visit our fly shop. It was on a Sunday and Chuck was there, probably with Andy. Ted was doing a baseball memorabilia tour around the country with one of the stops here in Sacramento.

On Sunday Ted had some free time and lucky for us he found us in the Yellow Pages. Sadly I was not there. I guess it was pretty cool when unannounced, Ted Williams walked in.

Naturally Ted was a baseball hero to everyone that is over 60 years old now so it must have been something special for Chuck.

I guess they chatted some and Ted want to cast a new Sage fly rod so they took some outside and Chuck got to cast with Ted Williams.

Picture 1 = Chuck and Andy were floating the river this week looking for Steelhead with their Spey rods.

Picture 2 = the Geezer Patrol...these are the guys I met 45 years ago when I first got into the fishing business. Most of these guys were the founding memebers of the CFFU in Sacramento. Some of these guys are in the movie "Rivers of a Lost Coast".


David Lee
01-20-2012, 10:05 AM
Chuck (and Jim Christensen , and Noe , and Carnazzo , and Joe , and ...) know more about the nuts and bolts of flyfishing that I EVER will . There are Black Belts .... and then there's the 7th degree Black Belts ..... They fall into the latter class .

I am lucky to have had the chance to pick their brains on more than a few occasions , and I am better for having that chance !
