View Full Version : xmas themed trout fly pattern?

11-18-2011, 12:34 PM
Hey all,
my wife has had me tie a xmas tree spun fly for some cards she was making and now she wants a trout fly in the same theme. Anybody know of a pattern? She would prefer it to be red/gold and white(obviously) and I would like it to be size 12 dry and potentiall useable.


11-18-2011, 02:47 PM
I have a shad fly that's called The Bad Santa...

11-18-2011, 05:05 PM
I have seen a red/green/gold clouser called a Santa Clouser. no kiddin.

11-18-2011, 05:20 PM
One of my most successful flies is my X-Mas Bugger.

Olive crystal chenielle, gold wire rib, olive hackle, olive marabou tail, and red thread. Looks a lot like a Christmas tree with a red tree topper (thread head).

Catches loads of trout to boot!


11-18-2011, 05:28 PM
Hmmm,.... How about a Red Ant with a gold rib :?: It's a Steelhead pattern from the north coast (Calif/Oregon) area:

Hook: black finish Salmon iron
Thread: Red
Tail: red addle hackle fibers (optional)
Butt: peacock herl
Body: red floss
Rib: gold oval tinsel (fine)
Hackle: brown saddle hackle
Wing: brown squirrel tail

I've used and seen this pattern tied in sizes from 10 thru 4 in the Smith thru the Rogue Rivers and caught coastal Cutthroat/Steelhead on it. Should be fished in current rather than slow waters. Vary the body/thread colors to yellow and it becomes a Cutthroat fly primarily. Good looking and summer/fall Steelhead pattern. :nod:

Mark Kranhold
11-18-2011, 10:26 PM
How about Santas Hopper or Royal Santa? Just some slight modifications:-k

11-19-2011, 06:44 AM
Royal coachman might work with that variation...

White hackle

Peacock thorax

gold tinsel abdomen

bright red saddle fibers tail

11-19-2011, 12:45 PM
Red Ant would work great.

11-19-2011, 02:44 PM
I think I will try the Royal Santa(Coachman Variation) Not sure exactly how I will do it but I will post that one and a tree when I am done. Thanks for the help guys...

I may tie some of the other variaions just to have on hand:)

11-24-2011, 01:09 PM
Here are the two flies I ended up with. I tried a couple variations and ended up with a version of a Cutthroat fly for the trout fly. Most of my flies were to wierd looking or fake looking to use. The Bass tree was easy( well the pattern was I still am not great with spinning) and I found a great tutorial on line.

My Version of the My Mistake Cutthroat Trout Fly with Green tinsel.


My Christmas Tree

I will show the Cards when we are completely done. Thanks again for the ideas.

Larry S
11-26-2011, 08:30 AM
Looks like you're having a lot of fun with your project. Take a look at
Scroll up and down to see all.
A while back one of the spey pagers was into the Halloween thing. Very creative!
Larry S

11-26-2011, 08:46 AM
Looks like you're having a lot of fun with your project. Take a look at
Scroll up and down to see all.
A while back one of the spey pagers was into the Halloween thing. Very creative!
Larry S

So the spey pages is where my ole buddy Fred Evans has been hanging out!?

Nice looking flies kokanee! That first one would be murder on steelhead. The Christmas tree gave me a good chuckle lol However, Tie that thing in natural colors and add a swede shoelace for a tail and youd have an adiquate mouse fly.

11-26-2011, 03:18 PM
Thanks guys it was fun.
Larry that site has some real artists. Maybe someday I could tie like them....maybe.:)

Larry S
11-26-2011, 06:20 PM
Your's look just fine. Practice makes perfect? The neatest thing is to catch a fish
on your own creation. And I'll bet you've done that! Something almost primal about
Hope you keep posting your efforts.
Larry S

Mike O
11-26-2011, 08:56 PM
From another board

Christmas Snowman

Grande Ronde Rudy

Santa Clause

Humming Bird

Yule Mouse

Christmas Tree