View Full Version : South Delta Report/ Dink Fest

11-03-2011, 07:59 PM
Headed to the South Delta today and found calm weather, good tide, clear water and very little pressure. Found schools of fish in all my "usual" spots. Unfortunately all the stripers were small. Big fish was 16". Really fun if you were using a 5 wt but I was throwing 7 through 10s. I covered alot of water and fished hard for 5 hours. The LMB are still biting well but they fight like hydrlla (a plant) and that is not what I am searching for. In the past few weeks I have been "after e'm" pretty hard and am getting 1 legal sized fish for every 50 stripers caught. If you want to catch lots of under sized fish KNOW is the time but I sure hope the big ones show up soon.

Found an 8 #er with what looked like a 1# crappie stuck in its throat, it was very dead.

One positive note: Andy Solari has been trying to teach me how to tie some striper flys and even though my first few attempts were a little "rough" and "ugly" one of them managed to fool 3 small stripers and 2 LMB. Thank you Andy and the small "really hungry and desperate" fish.

Striper Fest is on Saturday- Should be fun.


11-03-2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the report.