View Full Version : New Storm

Jay Murakoshi
07-19-2011, 01:12 AM
TS Dora is East of Guatamala and building strength. It's heading in a northeast direction towards the Baja Peninsula. This is something the area does not need but you can't change mother nature. I see the northern part of the state is getting some rain. Boy what weird weather.
This is one reason why I advise people to purchase travel insurance but read the "fine print" and make sure you are able to refund in case of hurricanes. But once you're there, you're out of luck.
We're going to start getting warmer here in the SJ valley but no triple digits yet.


07-20-2011, 08:01 AM
According to this mornings forecast, Hurricane Dora is going to pass within 120 miles of Cabo. Winds currently at 90 MPH and expected to increase to 120 MPH by the time it passes Cabo. :shock: Hope it doesn't change coarse to hit Cabo direct. :-|

Rick J
07-21-2011, 08:12 AM
I am down in Cabo for the week on vacation - got a week in a time share from our neighbors. It does not rain down here this time of year?? So I booked a beach trip before coming down here with Grant Hartman - Baja Anglers. The first days here were hot and sunny - the day Grant came by it was overcast - we had thunder and lightning and rain driving over to the east cape - he gave me the option of bailing but I wanted to see the place wo we went for it - no fish except for a small lady fish but did have a couple of roosters follow - No question though I had a great time and really enjoyed spending the day with Grant- full of great stories and it was great to just see the area.

Yesterday I took a panga out - got it for free through the resort - not my kind of fishing as we trolled for 5 hours - hooked on rooster but it broke me off.

Dora is heading our way but should stay off the coast but Saturday , the day we fly out should be the worst of it - right now it is still sunny and hot - we plan to drive up the coast a bit to Todos Santos on the Pacific side

Rick J
07-21-2011, 08:16 AM


07-23-2011, 09:16 PM
Looks like Dora has been downgraded to Tropical Storm status and it appears to be bending to head in over Scammons Lagoon. Wide wind warning area tho. Hope those guys down in Loreto or La Paz stay dry.... :nod:

Rick J
07-24-2011, 09:54 AM
we flew out of Cabo Saturday PM - weather forecast had called for strong winds and 1 to 2 inches of rain for Saturday- we got some wind and no rain - so storm really fell apart and moved off-shore