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View Full Version : Wednesday's Carp

Jay Murakoshi
07-13-2011, 01:37 PM
Finally had the nerve to take on the duck mites, again. Fished my little overflow impoundment at Millerton. Lot's of fish tucked against the banks, waving the tails in the air.
I did pretty good this morning, hooking around 7 fish landing 4. Weighing in around 10 to 12lbs. I took some under water video of them cruising the edges. I also took some with the Canon G12 dangling from my neck. All I got was a lot of sky and very little if any video of the hooked fish. I've gotta rig something up like the gopro chest harness so I can capture the action. My chest harness broke and waiting for a new one to arrive.
As for the duck mites they either disappeared or the Bushman Bug Repellent kept them off.
Bushman is a Australian bug repellent that keeps everything from eating you. It will also melt your fly line.

More fishing and video tomorrow or maybe tonight


07-17-2011, 12:18 AM
Jay that stuff is awesome...when you gave me a tube of that stuff way back i never looked back. That was some serious bug juice!... never knew if i would wake up in the morning :-) but never had any skeeter or anything else bite when it was applied..those bugs ran and far!..should have had it on last week during the casting lesson..

Too bad they don't sell it in the states..

Jay Murakoshi
07-17-2011, 03:50 PM
I don't think the FDA would approve of the bug juice. I have some more coming from Australia and some already here. I just gotta get a hold of my contact and pick it up.
Damn, sounds like a drug deal.
I hope to take a trip to the lake in the morning to see if the carp are still in the overflow pond or even if it's full. I've been laid up for a couple days due to an accident. I was playing arborist and slipped and smashed a couple ribs. they are sore as hell. The doctor told me there's nothing to do except bare the pain. They don't even wrap ribs anymore. I guess my days of tree climbing are done, except the tree is only half way down.
Damn getting old is hell, I'm also having some outpatient surgery done later this month, so I can be ready for my October baja trip and those 100lb tuna or 40lb dorado. This has been an on going then for the past year and a half and it's time.

I'll report tomorrow's carping


07-17-2011, 07:26 PM
Im discovering the wisconsin wilderness is THE most buggy environment Ive ever encountered by a long shot. Need some serious bug juice. Maybe I could just light myself on fire?

07-17-2011, 08:30 PM
"Maybe I could just light myself on fire?" :lol: :lol: :lol: The solution sounds drastic. As I recall from my days of fishing Catfish in the Knights Landing area, we used to set a tire on fire to repel all boarders.... No longer allowable in California but.... Sure made everything stink. :nod:

Maybe you could get the name of Jays supplier in OZ.... :question:

08-01-2011, 06:08 PM
Here is the place


08-01-2011, 07:14 PM
As they say Jay getting old is not for the faint of heart. I try to get a little tougher each day, but it sure hurts!