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View Full Version : Davis Lake 6-11

gene goss
06-13-2011, 08:59 PM
Jon Baiocchi did a presentation on the shores of Davis Lake for our GBF club, and with the water temp. at 59 degrees the damsels are waiting for warmer water temp. before they emarge. The fishing was difficult but Jon came through for us, and pointed us in the right direction, and some of us caught some impressed numbers of trout on midges, and black wiggle tails. I think the surface area doubled in size with all that water in Davis Lake now, and there are 10,000 williows for the damsels to climb up to emerge on now.
I seen a couple of 1 year old bear clubs on the west side by camp 5, and cow creek area....kept your food locked up.


one of the bears

Grizzly creek on the east of Grizzily road WOW

Fly fishing vehicle

Some nice fish killed by the trollers

Bill Kiene semi-retired
06-13-2011, 09:47 PM
Davis Lake is a fish factory.

When it was new about 40 years ago people from Reno would bring an entire Boy Scout troop so everyone could take home a limit.

06-14-2011, 11:27 PM

Your shot of Grizzly Creek is a post card! I sure had too much fun with your club and you. I'll see ya at the lake soon enough..............Jon.

06-15-2011, 09:13 AM
That creek shot is amazing w/ the flowers blooming all over the sides.

Davis lake looks and sounds like a blast! How far out is it from south lake?

06-15-2011, 12:01 PM
About an hour and 15 minutes from reno.

How far out is it from south lake?

06-15-2011, 12:08 PM
DAMN my EYES!:( Is that for 1 angler or two? Or two days of fishing? Is it safe to assume he wasn't poaching?
I see plenty of flyfisherman(taking home 10 and coming back next week and doing it again) doing the same ....although the trollers hammered it like nobody else and take it to an entirely insane level.

Cow paddy flavored trout.
With parasites and oatmeal colored boils. Yum


06-15-2011, 12:40 PM
One guy, ten fish, was he or was he not camping there?

I laughed at that cow paddy flavored trout with boils. :D

My wife and I are getting real selective about what fish we like to eat. They are sure different depending...

06-15-2011, 01:04 PM
I haven't eaten one in god knows how long...like 15 years. Well I mean I haven't killed a fish and eaten it. My idiot friend eats them and wanted me to split one with him a few years ago as he wanted to BBQ one and didn't think he could finish it all. So I had like 2 bites of the charred fillet he burnt.
Guess what?
They still taste like cow shit.

add to that all the parasites and those nasty gray boils. No thanks.
That rivals the nastiness of chinese farmed scrub fish like Tilapia or what have you that they farm in China or Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia etc and export to the u.s. You don't know what sort of nasties are floating in those flooded rice paddies. A lot worse than cow crap. More like fish farmer Mr.Chungs floater. They have human excrement washing into those paddies aside from what ever chemicals and pesticides from the factory up river. Hell look at all the lead that goes into toys and all sorts of wacked out environmental stuff these countries do. They have no damn concern for food safety.

06-15-2011, 01:18 PM
That's a good idea.
All that frozen packaged up fillets of fish and shrimp that wally world sells????
All from china. Or elsewhere. Don't do it.
I do not trust farmed or even wild caught fish from other countries.
It's bad enough when you have to eat some bland flavorless tomatoe from mexico. God knows what pesticides they are over spraying on your veggies.
I can't do the foreign fish.
I buy wild caught U.S jumbo shrimp 10/20 from Texas. I buy it on sale for $6.99 and buy a 5 lb bag.
Never the farmed fresh water raised shrimp from other countries.
Plus all that farmed stuff tastes like mud. Kinda like a davis rainbow. I can easily tell the flavor difference from a farmed shrimp vs a wild caught shrimp.
Tahoe has pretty good rainbows. Very silver and the water is pretty damn clean and they eat the shit out of the crawdads and that blasts them with beta carotene and turns their meat nice and orange...just like fish macking on scuds.

My wife and I are getting real selective about what fish we like to eat. They are sure different depending...