View Full Version : Wednesday Report

Jay Murakoshi
05-25-2011, 03:28 PM
It's a wide open bite from Punta Gorda to the lighthouse, from the beach to Punta Pilas. The young bucks said they kicked ass today. But there using bait I think every now and then I see a fly rod in there hand. Anyway there having fun.
There are dorado everywhere from chicken dorado (small) grande. Toro's have been big around the island and the rooster's are huge along the lighthouse and there's a bunch of them
My partner today got a 30+ rooster as soon as the fly hit the water. There were two other ones swimming with his fish and would go 60+. I hit one but broke off after the line wrapped around the butt of my rod. I caught a 25lb dorado in the school of roosters within 50 yards from the beach. There is a big mixture of dorado and roosters on the beach and pretty much anywhere you see swirls in the channel. There have been some toro's in the 30 to 40lb range along the island. Even a few marlin are swimming around.
Tomorrow will be targeting the toro and maybe a few marlin so I can get some footage.

Things have definitely changed for the better... No wind, lot's of bait and a hell of a lot of fish. The next group coming this weekend should have some fantastic fishing

24 days of fishing - so far. Damn, yes I do love this job

Here's a couple photo's. I hope to get the whale shark on line



His very first rooster, caught on fly


Jay Murakoshi
05-26-2011, 03:11 PM
Only a few fish caught by some. My partner and I had a different story. We went to Punta Pilas and fished most of the morning. Lot's of small to medium size jacks although some big one did take a swipe at the fly. Lot's of pez gallo and millions of lady fish. If this is you thing, bring a 5 or 6 weight and have a blast.
One big rooster was caught at the lighthouse. A pig around 75lbs, released alive to fight again. We had at least a dozen shots at some big ones but couldn't hook up.

I will be putting together a short video for Vimeo this weekend or Saturday morning. A new group arrives on Saturday. Three more weeks of fishing then it's home for a rest or until the carp come home.

My Job? You bet I love it
