View Full Version : The beach keeps calling me and I keep answering

Scott V
02-06-2011, 07:17 PM
Saturday Mark and I headed out to Kehoe, you usually get red-tailed perch there but Mark says the numbers have gotten small over the last couple years but we tried anyways. Weather was beautiful with sun shining everywhere. The cows were out grazing, the grass was green, and the birds were flying. The fishing was really slow, I only managed 1 small calico and I think Mark got a couple more. Never saw the red-tails maybe next time. About 1 we decided to go to Limantour Beach, another beautiful drive worth taking again and again. Got to the beach and the waves were small and the holes few and far between but we fished anyways, your there you have to go in. I got a couple barred perch and Mark got a good number himself, I missed a bunch of hits. Fish was slow but the company was great and the weather was beautiful. Although this is winter and I would rather see pouring rain and thunder crashing everywhere, I'll keep taking advantage of this sweet weather as much as I can.

Yes the sign says "sharks"!!!





I love how this turned out, the water on my lens blurred out some of the my tracks, mine were the only tracks on the beach.

That's me chucking away at the fish.





02-06-2011, 09:08 PM
Tough day but beautiful weather.... :) Maybe some fog would help. When you fished at Limantour, were there any signs indicating where the closures (MPAs) are located :?: The on-line DFG maps don't have to much detail in them.... :|

Paul B.
02-06-2011, 10:14 PM
Thanks again for the reports Scott, I'll be up that way soon. Paul

Bill Kiene semi-retired
02-07-2011, 01:06 AM
Thanks Scott.......

It looks so nice over there, great photos............

Next time you go I will give you some more different Surf Perch flies to try if you like.

Scott V
02-07-2011, 08:56 AM
Darian, according to Mark there are no signs or posts on where the protected area starts or ends. You need a GPS to get the exact location, at Limantour he said the protected area is up near Drakes so we stayed far from there. If you check the regulations they give GPS coordinates for all the protected area. Which for the average person is just another added exspense to stay safe.

Oh yeah I saw 3 small seals while fishing, I love it when there little heads poke up and look right at you. Gotta love nature.