View Full Version : North Coast Report - Saturday

Jeff Fisher
01-23-2011, 09:53 AM
SF Eel -

Before I moved up here, I always gazed in awe of the pictures I'd seen of the jade green South Fork Eel running through old growth redwood forests and full of fresh chrome steelhead. Well, it became a reality on Saturday.

Driving along the Avenue, the first glimpses of the river get your juices flowing. I kept thinking, "Today is the day!" Started out just downstream of Miranda. Nothing happening there. Headed downstream to a spot a couple miles upriver from Meyers Flat. And about 10 casts in.......it finally happened! Tap, tap, tap.......WHAM!!!

My first northcoast adult steelhead. Turned out to be a fresh bullethead hen about 5-6lbs (24-25" or so). She grabbed a small Popsicle at the very end of the drift as I was twitching the fly on the dangle. Jumped 3 or 4 times and went on several long runs. Needless to say, it was pretty exciting! Anyway......that was the only fish I got, but it I'll never forget it.

Other folks on the river I came across weren't having much luck. However, there weren't that many people out suprisingly. I probably saw 15 people all day. Probably more people up by Garberville. I only heard of two other fish caught.

Other rivers.......on the way home, the main Eel looked to be still a little brownish, but definitely fishable. The Van Duzen looked to be perfect. I'm sure the Mad is in great shape, but expect huge crowds. SF Eel will be absolutely perfect all next week into next weekend. No rain in sight. I chatted with Mike at the Eureka Flyshop on Friday for a bit. He said the Mattole was fishing really good too. Weather has been gorgeous up here lately. Bring the sunscreen.


01-23-2011, 01:49 PM

Congrats on a life-altering event. I'm glad it happened for you. Consider yourself very lucky to have met up with one.

I think Eel River steelhead have the nastiest attitudes of our coastal fish. Smith River gets the #2 spot from me. Those rivers produce some really special fish!

mr. 3 wt.
01-23-2011, 05:30 PM
Well, I will have to agree with you Ron. The Eel strain fish do have the nastiest tude of all our nor cal steelhead strains. Smith River isn't too bad but up above the forks, you are fighting the river as much as the fish. I still give the nod to the Eel strain in all out brawl though.

Bruce Berman
01-23-2011, 06:34 PM
That river has kicked my wading butt a number of times, but your post gives me hope. I'll be up in NorCal most of Feb. and, conditions permitting, I'll try to get the Eel skunk off of my back.

Jeff C.
01-24-2011, 08:21 AM
Hey Fisher! I'm glad to hear you finally got one. I'm still boarding every weekend but have been getting out for a couple of hours Sunday afternoons.

01-24-2011, 05:52 PM
Atta Boy Fisher. Wish I coulda been there to assist with netting (as I normally do).

But at least you got a picture. Oh. No. You didn't. lol.