View Full Version : Trinity

01-18-2011, 10:07 AM
So my close friend fished the Trinity this weekend, said there was hardly anyone around and plenty of fish!

01-18-2011, 11:31 PM
Howdy-- almost sounds like the start of a joke...:p
I fished it yesterday, and while there were a good number of fish in the river, it was crowded. I'd say dozens of boats, and plenty of waders.


01-19-2011, 05:22 AM
i bet your good friend is happy you are telling everyone this...](*,)](*,)](*,)

01-19-2011, 08:17 AM
I fished Fri through Monday and only caught one. Guides were reporting only 1 or 2 fish per float. Conditions were perfect. Elusive little b#%*$@ds.

stevie steelhead
01-19-2011, 08:19 AM
I just could not resist to comment about using the internet to drive the crowds towards one specific river or another.
Before the internet a few years ago, steelheaders had to put in their time and develop knowledge about a specific river.
Now, the crowds from afar, including out of state, are coming because of loose lips.
Talking about steelhead fishing should be non specific and general.
The best analogy I can think of is, those of us who are married or in a significant relationship, may speak in generalities about our love life, but never give out details or brag about our conquests. I think that we should behave the same way about steelhead fishing.
Continue to spout specifics and you will find more boats, people, and all that comes with a crowd.

01-19-2011, 08:36 AM
I just could not resist to comment about using the internet to drive the crowds towards one specific river or another.
Before the internet a few years ago, steelheaders had to put in their time and develop knowledge about a specific river.
Now, the crowds from afar, including out of state, are coming because of loose lips.
Talking about steelhead fishing should be non specific and general.
The best analogy I can think of is, those of us who are married or in a significant relationship, may speak in generalities about our love life, but never give out details or brag about our conquests. I think that we should behave the same way about steelhead fishing.
Continue to spout specifics and you will find more boats, people, and all that comes with a crowd.

X2...it is unreal what people will post...and to top it off this dudes "friend" is full of $#!t regarding both parts of the story...fishing real hard may get you a couple fish...and there are still lots of people there

Scott V
01-19-2011, 08:44 AM
Another typical steelhead post with people crying about posting reports and calling people and events a lie. You guys really need to stop complaining and calling others names. You really bring this board to a low that I do not care for.

If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. It is called common courtesy.

Bill Kiene semi-retired
01-19-2011, 08:53 AM
We have fished the Trinity and Klamath Rivers sense the 1960s.

Back then the crowds were large because the runs were very big.

In a fish report in the 1970s someone reported 200 drift boats where on the Eel River a day pulling plugs in the winter with most boats keeping 6 to 9 (wild) fish a day.

In the 1970s in Sacramento when I was a youngster there were 200 boats trolling for salmon daily in the fall at the mouth of the American River. The runs of fish are what drew the anglers too. Now in the fall there are probably about 20-30 boats there if the salmon are running.

What seems to drive the people to come to any Steelhead river are the runs of fish and this time of year the weather.

In the 1980s when Steelhead runs were down on average there were very few people on the Klamath or Trinity rivers.

Now in the past 10 years or so the rivers have had some good runs and the numbers of anglers are up too.

If you drive along the Trinity or Klamth and see no cars or people or boats it is because there are no fish.

Years ago the news was relayed by phone and by the news paper reports.

Today it is more done on the Internet.

When there are no fish , there are no anglers.......

01-19-2011, 08:54 AM
who called anyone a name? show me? when someone posts a stupid posts in a public forum they should expect a public response...

01-19-2011, 09:31 AM
You say BS.....I say, "Hey Hey...gonna eat my fillet tonight." I guess a better statement would have been, "they said there wern't many people around where they were fishing."

California should just charge $160 for a non resident liscene, similar to Oregon. I wouldnt mind if they charged $200 for a resident liscence, I'd just donate more blood in the months beforehand for the money. Might keep the competition down. Not like I am a rich elitist....

01-19-2011, 11:51 AM
God Im embarrassed to be a steelheader right now! :-(

01-19-2011, 12:07 PM
Everyone come fishing with me, and I will prove to you there is no such thing as a steelhead

mr. 3 wt.
01-19-2011, 06:29 PM
God Im embarrassed to be a steelheader right now! :-(

Why? Shouldn't take thing so personal. This whole thread is typical banter here, or any flyfishing steelhead forum. Funny thing is, the gear guys are a little more civil than the flyguys. I did say little now, they have their problems too.

01-19-2011, 07:59 PM
Until 3 years ago I lived in Yuba City for 21 years and for the ten years preceeding I fished the "river Y" as many as 3-4 days week. When I would post about a particularly good trip, WOW would I get slammed. One would think that I was giving the GPS coordinates of a secret, hidden, mountain stream 30 minutes from downtown Sacramento that was loaded with 3 lb wild browns...not a very public, roadside fishery frequently promoted in major publications up and down the state. The Trinity is no secret. Three years ago the word was "bring your own rock to stand on". An infrequent fishermen may very well have lucked into a great day on the water (Last week?) and excitedly posted that the river was full of fish. So what. If you have ever fished the river you know the realities. Why knock a newbie? Congratulate him. Lighten up.

My 2 cents worth..Tight lines everhybody. JS

Don Powell
01-19-2011, 08:10 PM
I've always enjoyed "beating the odds"...
No, I'm not a "gambler", but I suspect I've spent as much money on equipment and trips, all for a not so certain "payoff".
It has been so much fun, I'm not lookin' for a new hobby anytime soon!
So, if someone hits it lucky on a stream somewhere, anywhere,by beating the odds (whether it be by fishing as all the boats go by, or daring to explore someplace where all the boats aren't) congratulate them and think about how you could pull it off...

01-19-2011, 09:34 PM
J, adjust your sarcasm meter. That thread was pretty tongue in cheek.

mr. 3 wt.
01-20-2011, 07:46 AM
I see the original post as a diversionary tactic. Problem is is it was not a very good one.

01-20-2011, 08:13 AM
SS post reminds me of the Tahoe locals complaining about the crowded ski resorts.

Kurt P
01-27-2011, 10:53 AM
So my close friend fished the Trinity this weekend, said there was hardly anyone around and plenty of fish!

Glad to hear your friend had a good day. It's days like that that we can look back on to brighten the tough times in years to come.

I haven't visited this board for quite a while, sad to see the bickering that drove me away is still going on.

For crying out loud fellas, your lives must be much more carefree than mine if a simple thing like someone reporting they had a good day fishing bunches your panties.

Enjoy life, and let others enjoy theirs.