View Full Version : Truckee fishing partner wanted

09-20-2010, 12:28 PM
Waiting for steelheading to get here is killing me and small fish just don't seem to turn me on, so I've been trying to get my fix on the Truckee river lately, hoping to land a nice-sized fish to tide me over for a few weeks. I've fished it 4 times recently but only been able to catch a few fish to 12" and lose a bunch of flies, even though there's online reports the fishing is good. :(

Water looks great, I fished various stretches and used various techniques and on any other quality trout stream, I'd expect to have better success, but the Big T is living up to it's well deserved reputation.

However, I'm determined to land a nice fish out of that river! Anybody who's been a bit more successful and that wants to go fish it with me mid-week (this or next), give a holler. I'm not giving up! :evil:

Of course, if you're reading this and would like to provide some advice, open board or PM, feel free! :unibrow:

PS. I don't have to, but often fish from until dark! Short 1/2 day yesterday... back home last night at 10:30 from a 1pm start. However, I'm flexible!

09-20-2010, 05:01 PM
Check your pm mailbox..